Went to Brighton last night, I cadged a lift as a work colleague was attending a raw vegan Christmas lunch in Hove. I had not been in touch with one of my brothers for years, just by chance a month a go he rang up, we exchanged email addresses etc, I did not think I was going to see him so soon, I knew Graeme was going but I was a bit Ermining and arring about the whole thing, but i overrode my caution control, and asked Graeme if i could have a lift, he said yes, I Left a message or two on my brothers voice mail, got a text back saying that's fine, see you then, That was the planning over with, it all a bit sudden but sometimes that's best, dont worry about the detail, just do it.
The only Minor drawback to the lift was we were going to leave around 2 pm, and we knew it took 2 hours to get there, so that makes four o clock, fair to say the best part of the day had gone.
However once we had found a parking space in Hove and found the venue for the meal (yoga centre) I found a nearby pub 'The Juggler' and rang my brother and used the Juggler as a reference/ meeting place.
I waited for my brother, we had one drink and then we left initially for a meal, nothing special at a Malaysian restaurant, I had curried fish, it worked for me, but I eat to much and felt a bit sluggish, we then went on a walk along the seafront, even though it was December and 8 at night we were not the only ones down there.
Now what is one of the few things everyone loves, which you can do in Brighton or Hove, that's right going to the sea side, even at 8 o clock at night people, not many to admitantly but a few were looking out in the darkness with the gentle waves lapping in front of them, they must love it, looking out to sea.
After that walk we walked on the pier, it was free and closed at 12, it was nice, it was not hot, but not freezing cold, on route my brother told me stores, like this was the stall where one of his mates stole a big 'benndie bully' all in one swoop, it was nicked and under his jacket inside 3 seconds, he later showed it off down the pub, the Polish security guards on the pier were not the wiser.
We then walked around the Lanes, a narrow shopping area, re-mined me of the Temple bar area of Dublin or Soho streets.
We had a few more drinks, and headed back to meet Graeme, then we all headed off back to Essex dropping my Brother on the way, I dont get many presents at Christmas, this was my best one for this year meeting my brother, I want to go back to Hove, but in the spring, it got a bit cold later on in the nite.
Brighton is a nice place, but my brother advises it is losing a bit of its diverse mix, what made me laugh was a blue guide to Brighton (pole dancing clubs etc)and a gay guide, both freely available in all pubs.
The only Minor drawback to the lift was we were going to leave around 2 pm, and we knew it took 2 hours to get there, so that makes four o clock, fair to say the best part of the day had gone.
However once we had found a parking space in Hove and found the venue for the meal (yoga centre) I found a nearby pub 'The Juggler' and rang my brother and used the Juggler as a reference/ meeting place.
I waited for my brother, we had one drink and then we left initially for a meal, nothing special at a Malaysian restaurant, I had curried fish, it worked for me, but I eat to much and felt a bit sluggish, we then went on a walk along the seafront, even though it was December and 8 at night we were not the only ones down there.
Now what is one of the few things everyone loves, which you can do in Brighton or Hove, that's right going to the sea side, even at 8 o clock at night people, not many to admitantly but a few were looking out in the darkness with the gentle waves lapping in front of them, they must love it, looking out to sea.
After that walk we walked on the pier, it was free and closed at 12, it was nice, it was not hot, but not freezing cold, on route my brother told me stores, like this was the stall where one of his mates stole a big 'benndie bully' all in one swoop, it was nicked and under his jacket inside 3 seconds, he later showed it off down the pub, the Polish security guards on the pier were not the wiser.
We then walked around the Lanes, a narrow shopping area, re-mined me of the Temple bar area of Dublin or Soho streets.
We had a few more drinks, and headed back to meet Graeme, then we all headed off back to Essex dropping my Brother on the way, I dont get many presents at Christmas, this was my best one for this year meeting my brother, I want to go back to Hove, but in the spring, it got a bit cold later on in the nite.
Brighton is a nice place, but my brother advises it is losing a bit of its diverse mix, what made me laugh was a blue guide to Brighton (pole dancing clubs etc)and a gay guide, both freely available in all pubs.

All the bands i see are great...or i wouldnt go see them BUT "the grit" are my faves!!! I am a music junky
No, I dont want the 2nd tattooist job. definalty not. Im too busy at it is. I want to work less NOT MORE!
Nutz gets tattoo'd at immortal ink in south woodam ferrerso you know it?
oh and bootz of course. Although they are my new shoes