If anyone out their is having a fling or contemplating a fling, you may wish to read on....
If you are having a fling obviously the number one thing on your mind is not to get caught, did you know the number one item that could give the game away, you actually own and pay for on an on going basis, yes its your dear old mobile phone, A lot of partners check their other partners phones regularly, even if they don't admit it, textual intercourse is at epidemic levels, so be aware, cover your tracks very carefully, delete all old messages no matter how good, they will be your downfall.
If you are having a fling obviously the number one thing on your mind is not to get caught, did you know the number one item that could give the game away, you actually own and pay for on an on going basis, yes its your dear old mobile phone, A lot of partners check their other partners phones regularly, even if they don't admit it, textual intercourse is at epidemic levels, so be aware, cover your tracks very carefully, delete all old messages no matter how good, they will be your downfall.