i gave myself a day off today. We went to palm springs over the weekend for a shoot....and it was a big tease because of coachella...I met so many people there that it really made me want to go. I did see cool stuff, went on the air tram up a mountain, saw all the fancy windmills from like a 9000 foot elevation which is...
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i'm offcially a wedding photographer. Today was my first actual shoot. It was funny because everyone thought i've been doing this for years. the bride and groom were freaking awesome people...who would have thought, you feel like you've made some serious friends when you help people tell a story this important...god this is cheesy, you had to be there to see what it's like.
Thank you 

I would love to see the result of that shoot btw. I might be shooting a wedding this summer and I'm nervous 

Sometimes you just recieve a wake up call. You think things are going alright, and BAM life can do a total 180. I'm not saying my life is in the shitter, but I've definitely been humbled out of my complacent state of mind that I have been coasting on for the past few months.
I guess things you take forgranted can just up and kick...
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I guess things you take forgranted can just up and kick...
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thank you
tonight has been kind of horrible. One of my friends got a laptop, so I was on my way to her place to help her get it situated in terms of helping her with music and internet and geeky things of the sort when I noticed that I left my red laptop bag ontop of my RED car and it flung somewhere on the street...
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i'm back here, and it's been a while and a trip. I moved from miami, went to school in baltimore and now i'm in pasadena. My life is going in a different direction and all I can do is hold on and try to steer it properly. Little less self destructive, but just as violent.
i'm in baltimore, in my room in my shared warehouse apartment, starting school...its nutz..its fun...its gonna be work..hmmm find a job brian....find a job.
right. then find me a job, yes? 

Ok, so I've been editing and working on the introduction credits, and the artwork for the jacket cover. This has been a interesting adventure that is nowhere near done as of yet. Just incase anyone wants to know, its a low budget sci-fi film that probably will be a skinamax flic of some sort someday, after get done color correcting and editing and special effecting...
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I just went to the wrap party for the movie. It was closure alright...except for editing of course. Also, making the jacket cover and stuff of the sort. But shooting is OVER WOOOOHOOOOOO HOLLY FUCK ITS OVER ok...i'm done...now back to your reguarly scheduled programming
are you still here?
what movie dis be, Hialeah Boy?
i watched tears of the sun...and i'm a damned big bruce willis fan, but that movie is so stupid. It's all about the american ideal that we're gonna fix the world with our guns. It's all about this damned stupid war that just past, and how we're righteous and everyone else is helpless. Especially the poor little black folk in africa. Damn that makes me...
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yep, so i drank a lot of beer, and i didn't eat much and well...my ex-girlfriend/friend visited and i wanted to jump her bones...but i didn't...i guess i didn't drunk enough. I wanna write her a nice drunken e-mail about messing around without any consequences...but does that really ever happen? probably not...she says we're like family...brother and sister and all..but i know she wants some..and...
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today was a frustrated beginning followed by a alright end. I had lots of stuff to do, almost no time to do it in, and I somehow willed the world to be leaniant on me and everything turned out just ok...its crazy when the world knows your stressed and out and fixes it's self...its damned AMAZING