Old homework @missy and @rambo
I'm sure a lot of us have common fears. I feel like my fears are not really common everyday fears. They are actually strange... or I think they're strange... and I don't normally share them.
Maybe like ten years ago or so.... I watched a documentary type tv show about tsunamis. The quickness that it comes, the speed in which it consumes everything, the lack of warning to hopefully find high ground, ugh it's literally a recurring nightmare. I live in a coastal New England town. The likelyhood of a tsunami is low yet I find myself dreaming about it several times a month. The worst dream I ever had was feeling myself consumed by an uncontrollable wave and spinning under this forceful water and making a choice to give up. Aw man.. gives me anxiety just thinking about it right now. Anyways so fear #1 TSUNAMIS.
OK OK... so this fear is legit. Fear #2 AVIARIES. So an aviary, just in case someone is unsure, is more commonly found at zoos, and is a big, walk through, cage for varying species of birds. Some of these can be very big or small but the point is that you walk through them and watch the birds do their thing then exit the other side when you're done. So, there was a "living museum" in Canada I went to one time. I dont remember its exact name but it was a very cute place. It had an expansive outdoor wooden walkway that meandered through various wildlife areas. As we are walking along we come to a HUGE aviary. I'd never seen one so big before and the only way to continue on this path was to walk through this aviary. OMFG.... don't get me wrong, I like birds. But something about being enclosed and outnumbered is unsettling. So, as I'm about to exit the other side, sitting right above the door is this big "I don't know what it was," all I know was that it was big, and it's big eyes were staring at me and I was paralyzed in this avairy. My only real exit was being guarded by this ginormous bird that looked like it was not happy with my presence. I don't even remember what happened next... but someone I escaped. Especially since then, I've been completely freaked out and unwilling to go into an aviary. I know it's weird and irrational. So when I read this as a blog hw topic I thought I should share.
Anyone else have any unusual or irrational type fears?