So, I decided I should start doing some blog homework since I'm trying to become a hopeful. :) <3 @missy and @rambo
The scariest thing that ever happened to me happened in 2014. I believe it was August 2014, a couple friends, my boyfriend, and myself took a trip to Las Vegas. The trip was amazing and super fun. I usually go once a year because I have a Vegas addiction and I live on the East Coast so I can only afford to fly there once a year.
Anyway, so, I can get situational anxiety, airports cause me a lot of anxiety. It started when we were returning home and almost missed our connecting flight and I had like a horrible painful attack trying to get off the plane. That wasn't the scary part.
So our connecting flight was delayed so we made it to our gate in time to board. When we board it's this tiny little plane that seats maybe 40 passangers. This plane looks like a dinosaur and covered in duct tape and something just seemed off. My boyfriend said he smelled something funny when we were sitting on the runway, I didn't smell it though so I just ignored it. The plane races down the runway to take off and it seemed wobbly and just didn't feel right. I started to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as we took off. I wanted to close my window but in a plane this small they don't give you that option. I'm sitting so that I can physically see the left propeller spinning. It's kind of loud.
Then as we are ascending the plan wobbles and I look over to the right windows and I can see the right propeller start to slow down till it just stops moving. At this point I'm freaking out. I don't think I've ever held my boyfriends hand so tight before. The pilot calmly comes over the intercom and says "as you can see the right engine has stopped working so we are going to make an emergency landing." I'm in full blown panic mode, I thought I was going to die. I don't know the ins and outs of planes, but I figure a propeller stops working and that means the plane is going down and I'm dead.
Luckily we landed quickly and safely. Our flight was cancelled and we rented a car to drive home. The drive was awful but at this point I wasn't stepping foot back on any plane.
This is by far one of the scariest moments of my life.