My head's not feeling super awesome so I'm stuck around my house. My boyfriends in bed napping cause he's even sicker then I am right now. So here I am surfing the Suicide Girls website, drinking my coffee, thinking about how I want my first set to look (btw I picked the name BAYLEY, if I get accepted), I'm admiring all these beautiful people, and hoping to make some new friends.
I'm all caught up on Doctor Who, which btw, I really enjoyed episode 2 of this current season, it may be my favorite Twelve episode thus far. No spoilers though for those fans who haven't seen it yet. :-P
Thinking about setting up a Periscope but I don't think my life is anyway entertaining. Plus I don't think I would want to read all the "open bobs" comments. Which reminds me, I get really mad when I try to join a periscope chat for one of the SG girls, my recent favs were @galda and @sophoulla.... so anyway the broadcast will be full, so I can't chat, and the people who make it to chat say ridiculous uneducated things. Like WTF guys. I want to hear these women talk, I want to know things about them, yes they are extremely beautiful women... get a damn suicide girls membership and you get to see their "bobs."
I finally got into one of Galdas broadcasts and I was so excited, I asked her what advice she had for hopefuls and she gave a very nice thoughtful answer. It made me very happy and excited. There has to be a way to allow only members to chat in periscope because it's exhausting seeing people in these chats say stupid things. I end up closing the periscope most of the time because 1.I didn't make it to the broadcast to talk with the girl, and 2. If the people who did make it into the chat aren't actually asking questions and engaging with the girls, it gets boring. Wow, end rant. Sorry about that, I just feel patiently about it. I think having the girls on periscope is genius and a great fan interaction experience, which is what this website is all about, but people have ruined the experience for me and it's not the girls. They are wonderful. Ugh tired, thanks for reading.