So I’ve started receiving the negative comments on my pictures. For someone who grew up very insecure and hating myself for not fitting into the society norm or being what guys supposedly wanted, I’m surprisingly almost unphased. I’ve learned a lot about being body positive and how to love what I have. I also know that everyone is attracted to different shapes, sizes, and colors. So I totally understand that my body and how I look won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and I’m completely ok with that. I’m not seeking anyone’s validation that I’m an attractive person. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the compliments that I have been getting, because I definitely do, they make me happy… but alternately I don’t let and won’t let the negative comments make me unhappy, that would just be a waste of my time.
So thank you to those followers who follow me because they like my personaility, or my body, or my face. The love doesn’t go unnoticed and brightens up my day for sure. Thank you. :)