Well today i filled in an application form for a road working job, with full technical training for two years. Not excitting but would be decent money and another thing to put on my CV, however my luck is not in with jobs at present...
Waiting to hear back from the jobcentreplus about a position there which looks promising. There's a testing phase with loads of literacy and numerousy tests which im looking forward to. I like a nice test me.
Fuck... I just accidently went All In on a hand while writing this, and lost, bugger. Play Money only though.
Today i have done all my laundry, vacuumed the whole house, made dinner and wrote most of a song! Luckily my new vice is coffee, which is a whole lot better for motivation than weed!
And as a result i have been listening to drum and bass all day...
Waiting to hear back from the jobcentreplus about a position there which looks promising. There's a testing phase with loads of literacy and numerousy tests which im looking forward to. I like a nice test me.
Fuck... I just accidently went All In on a hand while writing this, and lost, bugger. Play Money only though.
Today i have done all my laundry, vacuumed the whole house, made dinner and wrote most of a song! Luckily my new vice is coffee, which is a whole lot better for motivation than weed!
And as a result i have been listening to drum and bass all day...