Isnt it great when you get finished with via offline msn message???

Thats what i call bravery.

hey there
hwos it going
Well i've realised that im proberly not doing enough to get a job. So once i get money on monday and after my dentist appointment i'll be on the train to norwich and in the faces of every shop worker in the city. Then on tuesday i'll be back going to all the large superstores and companies. Then on wednesday i'll go to all the...
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hows it going?X
i love you
Well it looks like things have took a turn for the worst. Clearly i wasnt on the same page and petty things, things that i wasnt prepared to let get in the way, have done. Yes i prob got annoyed as the time, but the lack of respect shown really hurt.

Im disappointed not angry. Disappointed it got thrown so easily. Clearly didnt mean as...
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Well i feel better than i thought i would today. Drank loads yesterday as it was my sisters 21st celebrations. Loads of food, loads of booze and singing in pokey local pub.

Was a really good day.

As much as life has changed recently and as much improved i feel in myself, being unemployed is really grinding me. There's all the obvious insentives and one...
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Keep on going.
Things will turn around eventually.
Stay positive, you will be surprised how much it influences your life smile
Well im a bit tipsy, just been to the pub for poker night. Never been before so was a bit of a scouting mission but managed to come third in my second game and cover my buy in losses, not bad really.

Some decent guys playing so i reckon i'll go again.

Me bruv is off for the next week starting tomorrow so i get...
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Good luck for the future..
Well today i filled in an application form for a road working job, with full technical training for two years. Not excitting but would be decent money and another thing to put on my CV, however my luck is not in with jobs at present...

Waiting to hear back from the jobcentreplus about a position there which looks promising. There's a testing phase with loads...
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cool pic? is that you?
Ha ha ... that's a funny way of building your own model aircraft!

I'm well thanks biggrin

Fresh start. I decided to retire my account, but have had second thoughts as i imagine this site will be a helpful and cathartic use of time (especially if i spend more than the 2 mins i use to spend on here).

There's been alot of upheaval recently. Things that i've found hard to take, hard to swallow, and things that were unexpectedly negative...
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You'll be surprised to know that people do actually read the blogs wink

I am happy to read that you are more positive about life. I recently told a friend of mine, after his question whether I think someone put a curse on him, that he put the curse on himself with all his negative thoughts.

And those are pretty pictures ... who's friendly baby is that?

I've had a great day with the kids and family, really helps me get my head together.

A clean slate seems the best policy, i shouldnt worry about any bullshit that gets thrown at me now, just focus on getting through it.

I'll prob delete this account soon as i dont reall yneed it and its just another route for the un-educated one to throth...
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Thanks biggrin