Its wonderful when unplanned things work out in amazing ways.
Last year I was dating a woman, Rhonda, who had commitment issues. She got married really young, her husband was an abusive asshole, and it ended in a divorce a few years later. Ever since then she decided she doesn't want to get married again and doesn't want to be with one person for any extended period of time. She didn't want us to see other people, but wouldn't say we were in a relationship. Our six months together was her longest "relationship" since her divorce and in some ways it didn't end well. Occasionally she bring up that we should start seeing each other again, but as soon as I bring up "Do you mean dating or a relationship this time?" the conversation changes topic. We are still friendly and have some mutual friends, but I do go out of my way to talk to her.
Today, I showed up early to a friend's labor day party. Most of the outdoor parties were rained out, but Rob(who is a professional photographer) decided to have a small group of people over for some BBQ ribs and chicken. I showed up a little early and one of Rob's other guests, Olya(I think her real name is Olga and Olya is a nickname) the eastern European model he was recently doing a photo shoot with, goes nuts over my car. Apparently she loves Ford Mustangs and also the movie Bullitt. When Rob mentioned that he was running low on BBQ sauce and he swore he had another bottle, but couldn't find it, I volunteered to go to the store and get more. Of course, Olya wanted to come along so she could get a ride in my car. I really couldn't turn down a beautiful 5'10" blonde woman who wanted to ride in my car now could I?
As we were walking through the grocery store, Olya mentioned how much she likes the stores here because of the wide variety of things she didn't get back home, except the Perohy's here aren't good and duck is harder to find here in most stores. I told her that she will have to make me some home made Perohy's. Olya said she would cook anything for me as we were rounding the end of an aisle and we ran into Rhonda. Well almost literally ran into Rhonda because she was walking while looking down at her list. Rhonda is pretty attractive herself, but when she saw me with Olya, she did a double take. I said Hi to Rhonda and introduced her to Olya. I mentioned we were out to pick up something for a party and were headed back soon. Rhonda mentioned she was getting a few things for a party too. We said out goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Olya remarked to me as we were in the next aisle that Rhonda didn't seem happy to see me and I told Olya that Rhonda was a woman I dated for a while. Olya then said to me, "Does that mean if we see her again, I should touch you in an inappropriate way to make her jealous?" I laughed a little. I love the way this woman thinks, but I didn't take it seriously.
As we were leaving the store, Olya handed me the bag with the BBQ sauce and leaned closer to whisper into my ear, "That Rhonda is behind us, put your hand on my ass." I couldn't resist that invitation and put my arm around Olya and slowly slid my hand down over the back of her shorts as we walked out of the store. When we got to my car, I opened the door for Olya. Olya said to me, "She is still watching us." as she leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before she sat down in the car.
On the way home Olya asked me if we did a good job of making Rhonda jealous. I got my answer a few minutes after we got back to Rob's house and I received a text from a friend asking who is the new hottie girlfriend. Apparently Ronda is upset because she thinks I have someone new in my life that is really good looking and can cook.
I typically don't care what the women I previously dated think, but I have to say it was fun
Last year I was dating a woman, Rhonda, who had commitment issues. She got married really young, her husband was an abusive asshole, and it ended in a divorce a few years later. Ever since then she decided she doesn't want to get married again and doesn't want to be with one person for any extended period of time. She didn't want us to see other people, but wouldn't say we were in a relationship. Our six months together was her longest "relationship" since her divorce and in some ways it didn't end well. Occasionally she bring up that we should start seeing each other again, but as soon as I bring up "Do you mean dating or a relationship this time?" the conversation changes topic. We are still friendly and have some mutual friends, but I do go out of my way to talk to her.
Today, I showed up early to a friend's labor day party. Most of the outdoor parties were rained out, but Rob(who is a professional photographer) decided to have a small group of people over for some BBQ ribs and chicken. I showed up a little early and one of Rob's other guests, Olya(I think her real name is Olga and Olya is a nickname) the eastern European model he was recently doing a photo shoot with, goes nuts over my car. Apparently she loves Ford Mustangs and also the movie Bullitt. When Rob mentioned that he was running low on BBQ sauce and he swore he had another bottle, but couldn't find it, I volunteered to go to the store and get more. Of course, Olya wanted to come along so she could get a ride in my car. I really couldn't turn down a beautiful 5'10" blonde woman who wanted to ride in my car now could I?
As we were walking through the grocery store, Olya mentioned how much she likes the stores here because of the wide variety of things she didn't get back home, except the Perohy's here aren't good and duck is harder to find here in most stores. I told her that she will have to make me some home made Perohy's. Olya said she would cook anything for me as we were rounding the end of an aisle and we ran into Rhonda. Well almost literally ran into Rhonda because she was walking while looking down at her list. Rhonda is pretty attractive herself, but when she saw me with Olya, she did a double take. I said Hi to Rhonda and introduced her to Olya. I mentioned we were out to pick up something for a party and were headed back soon. Rhonda mentioned she was getting a few things for a party too. We said out goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Olya remarked to me as we were in the next aisle that Rhonda didn't seem happy to see me and I told Olya that Rhonda was a woman I dated for a while. Olya then said to me, "Does that mean if we see her again, I should touch you in an inappropriate way to make her jealous?" I laughed a little. I love the way this woman thinks, but I didn't take it seriously.
As we were leaving the store, Olya handed me the bag with the BBQ sauce and leaned closer to whisper into my ear, "That Rhonda is behind us, put your hand on my ass." I couldn't resist that invitation and put my arm around Olya and slowly slid my hand down over the back of her shorts as we walked out of the store. When we got to my car, I opened the door for Olya. Olya said to me, "She is still watching us." as she leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before she sat down in the car.
On the way home Olya asked me if we did a good job of making Rhonda jealous. I got my answer a few minutes after we got back to Rob's house and I received a text from a friend asking who is the new hottie girlfriend. Apparently Ronda is upset because she thinks I have someone new in my life that is really good looking and can cook.
I typically don't care what the women I previously dated think, but I have to say it was fun