Life soon as I get one problem worked out another one pops one a bit more serious (as $$$$ problem usually are) but we have a plan to get through it.
I might have to cancel my camping trip which will really suck if I do cuz I really need to get away for a bit...maybe I'll just shorten it. Also I probably wont have any funds to do anything for my birthday on the 18th due to the fact that I have to pay some bills in a hurry so that monkey will be off my back.
My air conditioner took a healthy shit and no longer works and it will be Tuesday before the part is in unless my landlord decides to replace it then God only knows when it will be fixed...Dopespike being the crafty bastard that he is went and got a portable a/c from Sears (damn right Sears) and is going to return it when the a/c is fixed in the house, unfortunatly its only big enough to cool his room and he couldn't fit 2 in the car....I did try the Jedi mind trick on him but I guess it only works in the movies.....I even used my best Yoda voice.........The a/c you do not want. To Baughn you should give...... might I say ITS HOTTER THAN SATAN'S BALLS IN HERE!!!!!!
I started a new 15 grams of fat a day diet....yesterday but got the news about my $$$$ situation so I got depressed and attacked a few Hershy bars....they didnt stand a chance... I'm hoping to drop about 50 pounds so we'll see if it happens.
Well I'm going to try to get some sleep in that oven I call a bed room
I might have to cancel my camping trip which will really suck if I do cuz I really need to get away for a bit...maybe I'll just shorten it. Also I probably wont have any funds to do anything for my birthday on the 18th due to the fact that I have to pay some bills in a hurry so that monkey will be off my back.

My air conditioner took a healthy shit and no longer works and it will be Tuesday before the part is in unless my landlord decides to replace it then God only knows when it will be fixed...Dopespike being the crafty bastard that he is went and got a portable a/c from Sears (damn right Sears) and is going to return it when the a/c is fixed in the house, unfortunatly its only big enough to cool his room and he couldn't fit 2 in the car....I did try the Jedi mind trick on him but I guess it only works in the movies.....I even used my best Yoda voice.........The a/c you do not want. To Baughn you should give...... might I say ITS HOTTER THAN SATAN'S BALLS IN HERE!!!!!!
I started a new 15 grams of fat a day diet....yesterday but got the news about my $$$$ situation so I got depressed and attacked a few Hershy bars....they didnt stand a chance... I'm hoping to drop about 50 pounds so we'll see if it happens.
Well I'm going to try to get some sleep in that oven I call a bed room

hope you get that AC problem fixed... I know how much it sucks trying to sleep without it