I swear the funniest thing to see is Dopespike in the Lions Den. He looks like he wants to buy everything but is afraid to touch it.
As for toys purchased (for uses with the wife not Dopespike) I highly recomend the Fukuoku Glove. AS one would imagine its a glove with a viberator in each finger including the thumb....powerful little bastard too som bitch sounds like a swarm of bees. I also got some glow in the dark finger paints but the didn't work too well....the lights had to be out to see what you painted but supposedly you can see the colors of the paint under a black light....wish I had read that part while in the Lions Den, I could have stopped and got one on the way home. Needless to say hot rocking sex was had last night then Jager bombs with Dopespike thenwe watched a movie...then more sex....note to myself 5 jagerbombs might not make you feel THAT drunk but it does numb the body.
With the exception of the air conditioner being broke and its hot as hell in here things in life are going good. Work is stressfull due to inventory on the 13th but I'll get through it as I usually do...glad it only comes once a year now.

As for toys purchased (for uses with the wife not Dopespike) I highly recomend the Fukuoku Glove. AS one would imagine its a glove with a viberator in each finger including the thumb....powerful little bastard too som bitch sounds like a swarm of bees. I also got some glow in the dark finger paints but the didn't work too well....the lights had to be out to see what you painted but supposedly you can see the colors of the paint under a black light....wish I had read that part while in the Lions Den, I could have stopped and got one on the way home. Needless to say hot rocking sex was had last night then Jager bombs with Dopespike thenwe watched a movie...then more sex....note to myself 5 jagerbombs might not make you feel THAT drunk but it does numb the body.
With the exception of the air conditioner being broke and its hot as hell in here things in life are going good. Work is stressfull due to inventory on the 13th but I'll get through it as I usually do...glad it only comes once a year now.
im am way scared to be around that glove...i wish i had "hot rocking sex" last night instead of sitting at the computer for hours
Hmm, I wonder if your situation has changed since your last post!