Has anybody ever watched Mythbusters on Discovery Channel ?? Last night they had the myth called "Son of aGun". Supposedly during the Civil War a guy got shot in the nut sack and the bullet continued through and hit a lady in the vaginal area and she got knocked up. So in trying to prove this myth they shot a mini ball through and sack of "genetic material" and into a ballistic gell lady. Heres a big shocker....man goo did not survive the ordeal. It still makes for great TV.
In other news I'm starting to get over my third cold of the year (which BTW is a relaps of my first cold) and I'm just hoping this is it for me.....I sure wouldn't want to get a relaps of my last cold.
I can't wait forthe Shaby Shack Shindig, its gonna be my first 3 day party....or however long I can get out of work.
Well thats about it for me, I need to go to bed.
Rock On.
In other news I'm starting to get over my third cold of the year (which BTW is a relaps of my first cold) and I'm just hoping this is it for me.....I sure wouldn't want to get a relaps of my last cold.
I can't wait forthe Shaby Shack Shindig, its gonna be my first 3 day party....or however long I can get out of work.
Well thats about it for me, I need to go to bed.

Rock On.
ahaha. you said "man goo" ahahha.
but i'm never on. aim is not as much my friend as msn.
msn = firecomak@hotmail.com