Most people don't know this but I have a very evil sadistic and mean side to me. I usually keep it burried somewhere deep but someone on this planet has brought it raging to the surface. It sucks cuz this is a part of me I really don't like but there isn't much I can do about it...its there and it isn't going away.
Let me tell you a "Baughn High School Story". One day I was getting something out of my locker between periods when the girl who had the locker next to me (a preppy cheerleader bitch and a half wanna be liked so bad she can taiste it) said something and i responed ( I guess she wasn't talking to me), She tried to give me a bit of verbal abuse and called me fat and ugly. Well thjis part of me that I dont like now ruled me then so I let out with a verbal assult that would have made sailors blush and Hitler run for cover. Well, next period her boyfriend shows up at my locker and does his best to "save his girlfriends honor" to which I again unleashed my fury and a few promises of sending him to the next life in a sandwich bag. Then next period the principal was at my locker wanting to help me and asked if "I needed to talk to someone about my anger" I told him my side of the story in an almost respectful sort of way. Then next day every Jock that had ever said anything to me I didn't like stayed away from me and wouldn't make eye contact....that was one of the best days of my life.
But back to the present, Lucky for this person the offended party is keeping me in check because I'm about to explode.
You all Have a wonderful day
Let me tell you a "Baughn High School Story". One day I was getting something out of my locker between periods when the girl who had the locker next to me (a preppy cheerleader bitch and a half wanna be liked so bad she can taiste it) said something and i responed ( I guess she wasn't talking to me), She tried to give me a bit of verbal abuse and called me fat and ugly. Well thjis part of me that I dont like now ruled me then so I let out with a verbal assult that would have made sailors blush and Hitler run for cover. Well, next period her boyfriend shows up at my locker and does his best to "save his girlfriends honor" to which I again unleashed my fury and a few promises of sending him to the next life in a sandwich bag. Then next period the principal was at my locker wanting to help me and asked if "I needed to talk to someone about my anger" I told him my side of the story in an almost respectful sort of way. Then next day every Jock that had ever said anything to me I didn't like stayed away from me and wouldn't make eye contact....that was one of the best days of my life.
But back to the present, Lucky for this person the offended party is keeping me in check because I'm about to explode.
You all Have a wonderful day
Everyone has their bad side.....I can get violent pretty quickly I might be small but I have fist of fury.