I have a cold. I'm tired and don't feel good.
I found something out last night. A part of my body that I thought was a curse apperantly turns women to mush. I never knew this. I thought women just were giggling at some smart ass joke or my charisma, but no its these 2 non-acursed things that I've always hated. I've always thought they took away from my "mean look". If I had know they make women go woo woo woo I would have been promoting them more. After I found out (from one of my female managers none the less) I tried it out on some customers and young and old alike both smiled and kinda blushed when they saw them. I'm talking about my dimples, the ones on my face not my ass. Why is it that women turn to mush over 2 indentations in my cheeks. I have know idea....why are they "cute" and "irresistabe" and make women go woo woo woo? What is it about a 6'7" teddy bear?
Oh well I'm sure some of you ladies out there will let me know.
For now I feel like shit so I'm gonna get a few hours of shut eye before work

I found something out last night. A part of my body that I thought was a curse apperantly turns women to mush. I never knew this. I thought women just were giggling at some smart ass joke or my charisma, but no its these 2 non-acursed things that I've always hated. I've always thought they took away from my "mean look". If I had know they make women go woo woo woo I would have been promoting them more. After I found out (from one of my female managers none the less) I tried it out on some customers and young and old alike both smiled and kinda blushed when they saw them. I'm talking about my dimples, the ones on my face not my ass. Why is it that women turn to mush over 2 indentations in my cheeks. I have know idea....why are they "cute" and "irresistabe" and make women go woo woo woo? What is it about a 6'7" teddy bear?
Oh well I'm sure some of you ladies out there will let me know.
For now I feel like shit so I'm gonna get a few hours of shut eye before work
I share your curse as well sir! I share your Pain, get better!
Puh-LEEZE! 6'7'' guys are ALWAYS teddy bears! It's the little twerps ya gotta watch out for...small and vicious... like CHIHUAHUA!