so i was sitting around being board and kinda tired but not and had this song stuck in my head and i was thinking to myself "it would be kinda nice to learn this song" so i looked it up on OGLA and the tabs were only had the rythum part which really doesn't exist anyways...then I thought "it sounds ok on the 6 sting acoustic but i wonder how it would sound on my 12 string"...well after finding a tuner on line i got it all nice and tuned up and it sounded pretty i'm looking at my 12 string (which i havent had out in about a year) and its looking a bit dustyso now i have to clean it. i wish my 6 string played as nice as my 12...does anybody know how to adjust the neck on these things...the 6 string will tear the shit out of you fingers cuz it frets so hard....and i have literally played it until my fingers bled...and it didnt take very long...oh well
no idea man, my roomate's acoustic is the same way, When you know, lemme know so i can tweak her guitar.