ok...I don't mean to brag....well yes I do....I am a bitchin cook. I have never made chicken and dumplings before so I invented my own version....it goes like this (try it and bask in my greatness):
first quarter a buch of taters and put them in a pot
second cut 2 taters in to thin slices and put in pot (thin slices will totally cook away and the starch will thicken the finished product)
third take a bunch of boneless skinless chicken titty and put it in the pot (I used 6 frozen chicken titties)
then ad 1 can of corn
then 2 cans of chicken broth
Trow in some herbs like tyme, sage, oragano, a little old bay, and some salt
cover and turn on stove to 7 on you electric stove or med/high heat
go play on the internet for a while, AIM Dopespike and Lexie for a while
stir pot
cook until the chicken shreds itself and the taters have become little tater pieces.
Warning: you may have to add more water to keep it from totally drying out (i had to do this twice) do this one cup at a time ( one cup then check later and add another cup if needed)
Make dumpling by following the directions on the Bisquick box
Note: I was out of milk so i used 1/3 of a cup of butter and 1/3 cup of water instead on 2/3 of a cup of milk, this makes for a very tasty dumpling (I not on a diet)
cook dumplins as specified by directions on the Bisquick box.
voila Bob's shredded Chicken n Dumplings with little tater pieces.
Next Bob's crock pot roast
First Trim the fat off the Chuck roast
next put in crock pot
then throw in some taters (you ever get the idea I was raised on meat and taters)
then add 2 cans of beef broth
turn on crock pot to low
come back in about 8 to 10 hours (depending on size of roast)
Good Eats I guarantee
That all...life is pretty good for a change so I'm just ridding the high
Spank me
first quarter a buch of taters and put them in a pot
second cut 2 taters in to thin slices and put in pot (thin slices will totally cook away and the starch will thicken the finished product)
third take a bunch of boneless skinless chicken titty and put it in the pot (I used 6 frozen chicken titties)
then ad 1 can of corn
then 2 cans of chicken broth
Trow in some herbs like tyme, sage, oragano, a little old bay, and some salt
cover and turn on stove to 7 on you electric stove or med/high heat
go play on the internet for a while, AIM Dopespike and Lexie for a while
stir pot
cook until the chicken shreds itself and the taters have become little tater pieces.
Warning: you may have to add more water to keep it from totally drying out (i had to do this twice) do this one cup at a time ( one cup then check later and add another cup if needed)
Make dumpling by following the directions on the Bisquick box
Note: I was out of milk so i used 1/3 of a cup of butter and 1/3 cup of water instead on 2/3 of a cup of milk, this makes for a very tasty dumpling (I not on a diet)
cook dumplins as specified by directions on the Bisquick box.
voila Bob's shredded Chicken n Dumplings with little tater pieces.
Next Bob's crock pot roast
First Trim the fat off the Chuck roast
next put in crock pot
then throw in some taters (you ever get the idea I was raised on meat and taters)
then add 2 cans of beef broth
turn on crock pot to low
come back in about 8 to 10 hours (depending on size of roast)
Good Eats I guarantee
That all...life is pretty good for a change so I'm just ridding the high
Spank me

i'm comming over tonight for dinner