Have you ever had "one of those days"? I'm having one now.
I woke up and tried to put my contact in but I dropped it on the floor, I looked down and thought I saw it but when I picked it up it was a staple, when I rolled my chair back to turn on another light so I could find it I rolled over it and tore the lens. so I'm already pissed so I go down stairs and log on the computer, it crashes. so I decide to take the trash out, I get the bag outside and it rips open. so I decided to go back to bed, when I got up the internet wasn't working so I turned on the tv, and my cable was out. I looked out the window and it snowed. I have to go back to work tomorrow at 6:30 pm and my sleeping schedule is all fucked up due to vacation and now I have to stay up until 9 Monday morning so I can get my fucking contact. I'm supposed to pay my mom's property taxes to pay back some of the money I owe her for school and she says its gonna be about $480 I said cool no problem, she calls me last night and says they are $530...$50 bucks more, which isn't much of a problem but I don't have the money yet. So she starts hounding me about being able to pay here taxes on time and me not having the money yet. I ask her when they are due, she says the middle of February, I HAVE 4 FUCKING WEEKS TO PAY HER TAXES AND SHES BITCHING ABOUT THE MONEY NOW !!!!!!!!! Anyways mommy dearest wants the money Thursday which if I give it to her I won't have the money for little things like food and my wifes Meds (which come before everything).
I'm tired of everything. I'm going to give my boss an ear full when I get back. I've worked for this God forsaken company for 16 fucking years and I shouldn't be stuck on nights. Yes its a union job but my job title means I have no bumping rights. I think I'm going to take the asshole backup of mine (my second assistant) and shove his ass back on nights (I had to put him one days because he was starting shit with 2 guys on the night crew and myself so he could get on days....the exact shifts I wanted to work).
Right now I feel like I'm going to explode. You know that feeling you get after an adrenaline rush..muscles weak like you've stuck your finger in a light socket....my whole body feels like that. At least I got sex the other day....and good sex too.
I woke up and tried to put my contact in but I dropped it on the floor, I looked down and thought I saw it but when I picked it up it was a staple, when I rolled my chair back to turn on another light so I could find it I rolled over it and tore the lens. so I'm already pissed so I go down stairs and log on the computer, it crashes. so I decide to take the trash out, I get the bag outside and it rips open. so I decided to go back to bed, when I got up the internet wasn't working so I turned on the tv, and my cable was out. I looked out the window and it snowed. I have to go back to work tomorrow at 6:30 pm and my sleeping schedule is all fucked up due to vacation and now I have to stay up until 9 Monday morning so I can get my fucking contact. I'm supposed to pay my mom's property taxes to pay back some of the money I owe her for school and she says its gonna be about $480 I said cool no problem, she calls me last night and says they are $530...$50 bucks more, which isn't much of a problem but I don't have the money yet. So she starts hounding me about being able to pay here taxes on time and me not having the money yet. I ask her when they are due, she says the middle of February, I HAVE 4 FUCKING WEEKS TO PAY HER TAXES AND SHES BITCHING ABOUT THE MONEY NOW !!!!!!!!! Anyways mommy dearest wants the money Thursday which if I give it to her I won't have the money for little things like food and my wifes Meds (which come before everything).
I'm tired of everything. I'm going to give my boss an ear full when I get back. I've worked for this God forsaken company for 16 fucking years and I shouldn't be stuck on nights. Yes its a union job but my job title means I have no bumping rights. I think I'm going to take the asshole backup of mine (my second assistant) and shove his ass back on nights (I had to put him one days because he was starting shit with 2 guys on the night crew and myself so he could get on days....the exact shifts I wanted to work).
Right now I feel like I'm going to explode. You know that feeling you get after an adrenaline rush..muscles weak like you've stuck your finger in a light socket....my whole body feels like that. At least I got sex the other day....and good sex too.
good sex fixes all. for at least a while anyhow

i learned some cool stuff in deviant behavior!