Well we had some good news from the doctor at the OSU Pain Management Clinic. It seems that people who have cronic headache pain for more than 6 months straight don't usually recover,that is get any better period. My wife (Jennifer) has gone from 7 migraines a week to 2. That means all the doctor has to do is tweek the meds until they are all gone and he thinks he is right on the edge of getting there. He also said she should get out and exercise a little to get her blood pressure up (being she already has low blood presure and one of her meds lowers her bp). Plus if she gets up and moves around she might not sleep all the time
. This means she is getting much better....better than the doctor had expected which is great being she has had this problem all her life. I couldn't imagine living 30 years with cronic migraines.
Other good news is her only friend who moved to Texas is moving back in Feb. so she'll have someone to hang with. The only difference is her friend now has a baby...maybe this would get her in the baby birthing mood and we could try for one....then again she'd have to go off all her meds and be in pain again.....I guess its a double edged sword...damned if you do ...damned if you don't
My big problem right now (which has really been depressing me) is my biological clock is ticking. My dad was 40 before he had any children and when he died my younger brother was only 11, I was 15, my sister was 16 and my older brother was 18. I wouldn't want to miss out on my kid's teenage years not to mention I know how much it fucked us all up with my dad dieing so young (he was only 57). In case you are wondering he had a major heart attack, was in a coma for 6 weeks, got pnuemonia and died.
I would hate to ask my wife to go off her meds so we can have a kid when she finally has gotten some relief...she deserves to be pain free after the life she has had...I'm not going to go in to details on this one....lets just say her parents are some sick fuckers and should be shot.
Wow I've writen a book here. This is probably the longest journal entry I have ever writen.
On a final note I have decided that life is worth living no matter how hard it gets because somewhere along the line you'll get rewarded somehow wether its something good that happens to you or (in my case) being able to ask your wife how she is feeling and hearing she isn't in pain for once.
Now I just need to figure out how to get more sex.
oh yeah I have to get these boots

Other good news is her only friend who moved to Texas is moving back in Feb. so she'll have someone to hang with. The only difference is her friend now has a baby...maybe this would get her in the baby birthing mood and we could try for one....then again she'd have to go off all her meds and be in pain again.....I guess its a double edged sword...damned if you do ...damned if you don't

My big problem right now (which has really been depressing me) is my biological clock is ticking. My dad was 40 before he had any children and when he died my younger brother was only 11, I was 15, my sister was 16 and my older brother was 18. I wouldn't want to miss out on my kid's teenage years not to mention I know how much it fucked us all up with my dad dieing so young (he was only 57). In case you are wondering he had a major heart attack, was in a coma for 6 weeks, got pnuemonia and died.
I would hate to ask my wife to go off her meds so we can have a kid when she finally has gotten some relief...she deserves to be pain free after the life she has had...I'm not going to go in to details on this one....lets just say her parents are some sick fuckers and should be shot.
Wow I've writen a book here. This is probably the longest journal entry I have ever writen.
On a final note I have decided that life is worth living no matter how hard it gets because somewhere along the line you'll get rewarded somehow wether its something good that happens to you or (in my case) being able to ask your wife how she is feeling and hearing she isn't in pain for once.
Now I just need to figure out how to get more sex.

oh yeah I have to get these boots

and yeah, i'd like to make it out for a bentos one of these months...but i'm not sure when or if that will happen. its the job thang...i know you know what im talking about!
great news on your wife man...sounds like things are getting better! less pain is definitely great news for her im sure...and with her friend moving back in february...thats awesome!
wish you could make it out for prosaic_muse's party, i know im stopping by for awhile. but, ya cant go wrong with bringing in the new year with some good sex!
Hoping for the best for your wife. You two have a great New Year.