aahhh the joy of going back to work after vacation. I got to find out that 2 people on the night crew quit and we are probably going to be goingon strike Saturday night at midnight due to the bastards at Kroger wanting to cut our health benefits in half (BTW the only thing good about the job is that we dont have to pay for our benefits) and want us to foot half the bill too. Then morning came and just before I was getting ready to leave, my boss shows up and starts bitching about how we didnt get enough done.....um....FUCK HIM..yes one guy was tanking it so he didnt have to work another aisle but thats the way it goes....at least he did something....the my boss was bitching because we didnt work an aisle that neede worked...um ...they worked the 2 highest volume (most sales) aisles...then he proceded to tell me how he isnt used to working in this union enviroment and how we should ask so much of the company...once again FUCK HIM he makes 60k or 70k a year, we dont.....we bust our balls over night trying to get done, he always says we dont do enough...i hate this job sometimes...and for the best part he told me that when he calls me, no matter if I'm on vacation or not, I am to return hes calls promptly...to which I replied (and really pissed him off) I have my own life to live outside of this company and I'm sorry if you dont but my time is mine and if you have a problem with it we can go see your boss about it and when hes done telling you how stupid you are I'll fire the union up your ass because they love it when over bearing people like you try to unjustly impose your will and life choices on other people so you can control thier live. I'm not your puppet I pull my own strings. Damn did he get pissed but so was I ...call me on my vacation when I have plans to drink with Patch...
ok enough ranting...I think I'll call the V.P. of operations and the head of Human resource about it...I know them both on a first name basis...and the V.P. of ops doesnt like my manager either muhahahahhaah
ok enough ranting...I think I'll call the V.P. of operations and the head of Human resource about it...I know them both on a first name basis...and the V.P. of ops doesnt like my manager either muhahahahhaah

i would like a rematch at pool...
i would like a rematch at pool...