Just for shits and giggles I would like to know everyones favorite pick up lines. Me, theres the tried and ture "why would you want a six pack when you can have a keg" but my all time favorite:
" If we were both squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole?"
BTW I just have to get through this week and I'm on vacation....any parties or anything?????

" If we were both squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole?"
BTW I just have to get through this week and I'm on vacation....any parties or anything?????

Hmmmm White Castles are hamburgers that give you gas?? That sounds sketchy man. I'm honestly scared of the American meat and dairy products already..oh and eggs. I hear there are hormones and antibiotics and chemicals in all.
I'm gonna end up in the health food stores methinks..or else turn into a vegan
