Holy crap, new nerd crush:
Kate Darling of the MIT media lab.

First off, total mad scientist, producing cutting-edge research on torturing robots, or not: She'd give people sociable robots, let the people bond with the sociable robots, and then ask the people to "torture" or "kill" the sociable robots, only to show that most people can't, once they've formed empathy with the robot, even though they know it's a robot.
For serious.
Since then she's stayed busy researching how Intellectual Property works without Intellectual Property, based on observations of the Adult Video industry. When you can get MIT to sign off on your paper that required you to research porn, you are making the scientific publishing process your bitch.
Kate Darling of the MIT media lab.

First off, total mad scientist, producing cutting-edge research on torturing robots, or not: She'd give people sociable robots, let the people bond with the sociable robots, and then ask the people to "torture" or "kill" the sociable robots, only to show that most people can't, once they've formed empathy with the robot, even though they know it's a robot.
For serious.
Since then she's stayed busy researching how Intellectual Property works without Intellectual Property, based on observations of the Adult Video industry. When you can get MIT to sign off on your paper that required you to research porn, you are making the scientific publishing process your bitch.
Uh oh, you said the b-word.