Ever look at a group of people in crisis and feel a pang in your heart and think "Those are my people. I can't stand to see this."
But then you remember that they're not your people, and your mind and heart become confused.
I should really make a decision on this once and for all. I'm willing to follow all the "rules," to bring my life and personal history along, and to pass on the culture and beliefs and what would be a uniquely crafted personal tradition to my children/family.
So what's left but to throw myself in fully and revel in it?
But then you remember that they're not your people, and your mind and heart become confused.
I should really make a decision on this once and for all. I'm willing to follow all the "rules," to bring my life and personal history along, and to pass on the culture and beliefs and what would be a uniquely crafted personal tradition to my children/family.
So what's left but to throw myself in fully and revel in it?
Good thing I'm a Homoneocybersapien.