so, last night was my last nin show for this tour. that shouldn't make me as sad as it does. i mean, its pretty bad when the happiest that you've been in the last 15 months or so were the 13 days that you went to a concert. i did make friends at those shows though and with the exception of one, the rest of them live in other states and i likely will not see them again until nin tours again and that truly sucks. now i return to working, stressing out about money and my lack of a functional vehicle, eating, and sleeping. nothing to look forward to. life is grand. oh well, enough bitching.
i swear to god jeordie white gets hotter every time i see him, its just not right....
i swear to god jeordie white gets hotter every time i see him, its just not right....

They will tour soon enough and you will once again be back on the trail...never fret! Yeah, everyday life has a way of boring a hole straight through you and just when you start to feel good...the car breaks...the bills arrive in the mail...and so aye?

I am amazed with people who are so passionate about things that they go to the lengths that you did. Its all good I swear it.....