I stayed up a little later than I should have talking to Roshan last night, but only getting about five hours of sleep was worth it. If you know me, you'd understand how dead I feel right now and how cranky it made me for several hours this morning. I love my sleep. So, now I think I am seeing flashes of laser lights outside....
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::beautiful painting::

I found my heart inside your eyes
You took me inside to taste your mind
I lost my confidence in what I was doing
You redefine the life I'm living

Beautiful and empty I search for your touch
Inside me, willing, without your permission
An inifinite thought that never resists
Entangling feelings I can't seem to define

Like I imagine your skin entwined...
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That is really, really beautiful..
I think I have too many things and people pulling on me at once. Why me? Why now? It's all so close, yet so far apart. I wish I knew the right answer and the right way. None of it is easy at all. It's all very hard. I thought I liked it that way, but not perfectly.

I wish I knew the right person...
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...love.. what can ya do? Has anything else the potential to be by turns transcendent and abysmal within the space of a few hours?

Anyway, I'm from OKC too, and just wanted to say howdy. I'm-a gonna add you to my friend list now!
This is the gratuitous first entry. Just like gratuitous sex and violence, this entry has no meaning. So, you really might as well not be reading this.

I'm not sure why I'm here, but I love this website.