It's really sad how long it takes me to write an entire minute of a movie. Perhaps if I quit bitching in a boring journal about my progress I would have written that much further. Perhaps. The ever not-so-gratuitous sex scene is coming up.. that's always exciting. 2 in the first 20 minutes.. gee.. like that's a lot. Don't you just wish you could get a job writing good porno? No one would really appreciate that. And porn script writers do not exist. It's just some dickhead director getting laid for his next scene. Sounds like a blast, doesn't it? I want an agressive sex scene played to the tune of Burn/Nine Inch Nails. It would involve lots of industrial type boots and stepping on the boys crotch. Lots of pain, screaming, and emotional power.
Machine guns and asscock. Mmmm.
Machine guns and asscock. Mmmm.
Francis Ford Coppola's online filmmaker community. It's kinda cool (and free), though in my case I got addicted to reading other peoples' works and wasn't using it as a tool to further my own. Maybe once I've got something finished... but it's a good place to explore.