First off, thank you to everyone that sent me Happy Birthdays, I really appreciate it, it made up for my team choking in the Super Bowl and porking my day. You're all awesome! Second, the best belated birthday present I could have ever asked for! Check out Bushka's new set, it's awesome and she TOTALLY deserves to go pink, so help her out! On another note, I think midnights at the PD are slowly driving me insane. And i have at least 4 more weeks of them before I switch to my actual schedule. Blah. Today's my little sister's birthday and I believe a bunch of us are going out tonight to celebrate her and my birthdays, which will be really nice since I never get to go out and get my drink on anymore. I think that's all I have the energy for right now...zzzzzzzzzz
i've tried to get help....but the best way to beat and addiction is by substituting it. but gobots suck 

omg yeah they do