My nights of late are getting pulled in like 18 different directions. The new TV season has begun and there are several shows I'm already hooked on. The Red Sox are in the playoffs and kicking ass. The Bruins season officially started last night on the other end of the spectrum with them getting their asses kicked. I've started reading Anne Rice's vampire books and can't put those down. Lastly, the mother of all distractions, Halo 3. I can't stop playing, it's awesome. So I work all day and then when I get home the battle begins as to which combatant will win my attention. In the real world I'm waiting to hear back on an application I put in for a dispatch job with the PD in my hometown. If I get it my social life will die a horrible death because it's the worst hours ever but it's a big step in the right direction to get hired as a patrolman. So, fingers crossed there, wish me luck.
good luck hun. HUG
And thank you