love it!
Things are so far so good this week work is also going well. I have bought a few things with my paychecks that I felt I deserved after a hard weeks work mostly its a few comic book on trade paperback and DVDs and stuff. But the one interesting thing I bought was a replica Captain America shield which is very nice and which btw...
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That is awesome! biggrin
Things are so far so good with what I been doing lately. I mean basically my day is wake up relax and then at night go to work and I do it all over again. I am def. so far enjoying my job and am enjoying the people I am around some of which I feel are slowly becoming my friends. And the pay is...
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Been thinking about a sort of adventure at least what it would feel like to me as something I would take serious but at the same time it would be something fun to do to see if I liked it. And what I am refering to is I have actually considered doing modeling of my own idk I think it would be fun to do....
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Give it a try. Don't risk regretting never doing it, take a chance and try. biggrin
^^ What Cavort said. I like the sort of stuff that Zamuzel has in his picture folders.
My first full work week went all right I mean it was very tiring and some of my muscles are very sore but I am fine right now. It may have only about three and a half hours but it def. feels like longer as you are working it. And I got my first paycheck that I have spent some of it already on things...
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So far so good with my job I surived my first week of work but lets be honest this was the easy week since mon-wed was just job training and I was in a classroom all those times. And Thursday I technically didn't do my job because I guess they needed help elsewhere. But next week will def. be more tiring and a def. workout...
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One step at the time! Those are great plans, good luck and dedication is the key smile
Have an awesome weekend!!
Anyone have any suggestions for a DSLR camera I can buy as a starter camera for someone just starting in professional photography? Because with this new job I finally will have the money to get a DSLR camera eventually and do what I am really passionate about and thats photography. I just haven't done so because I just have a normal digital camera that anyone...
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Have you joined the photography group here on SG? It's a fantastic resource for thing like this and the people there are great if you have any questions. You should check it out biggrin
First day of work went fine it felt basically like school since we were just in a classroom the whole time learning more about our job and FedEx Express. And we will be doing the same today and tomorrow we don't really start our jobs till Thursday if I remember right. So the nerves aren't as bad now at least as they were yesterday I...
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You got the job! Congrats! I've been slacking on SG lately frown
congrat !
I know I keep posting about it but today is my first day at my new job at fedex mostly its the orientation of it so I am unsure what exactly we will be doing. But and while I feel I will do well it doesn't take away the fact I have butterflies in my stomach which is what happens alot. I usually get nervous...
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good luck!
*hug* You will do fine love!