Been thinking about a sort of adventure at least what it would feel like to me as something I would take serious but at the same time it would be something fun to do to see if I liked it. And what I am refering to is I have actually considered doing modeling of my own idk I think it would be fun to do. More so I see myself doing some sort of artistic photography more then anything at least right now at least its the one I feel I would do good in I guess. I feel I would I guess get shoots with photographers I have met on zivity and see what happens. I also feel it would be nice to be able to do shoots with female models as well. Alot of people seem to think its a really interesting idea and seem to really push the idea that I should at least give it a try. But I guess I feel not 100% sure about it. Thoughts?
Give it a try. Don't risk regretting never doing it, take a chance and try.
^^ What Cavort said. I like the sort of stuff that Zamuzel has in his picture folders.