Anyone have any suggestions for a DSLR camera I can buy as a starter camera for someone just starting in professional photography? Because with this new job I finally will have the money to get a DSLR camera eventually and do what I am really passionate about and thats photography. I just haven't done so because I just have a normal digital camera that anyone has that using it wouldn't be taken seriously as a photographer by a model. Hopefully once I start and can start my portfolio in taking photographs of female models similiar to SGs but they don't have to be models shooting for SG. I just think tattooed women are very beautiful and would love to capture there beauty on camera to share with everyone. I also hope me being so specific isn't a bad thing its just well besides perhaps photoshoots with a band or something having a photoshoot with a female model is what I feel most passionate about. But anyways to reiterate my question what DSLR camera would you suggest I buy as a starter camera since I will just be beginning in professional photography?
Have you joined the photography group here on SG? It's a fantastic resource for thing like this and the people there are great if you have any questions. You should check it out