That was the best shower I have ever taken in my life!!!
ok ok ok...maybe not *THE* best but pretty high up the list. After four hours on the road and a total of about 10 since yesterday afternoon and no shower since yesterday morning...that was goooooood!!
So we made it down to Miami after all for the show. That was awesome!!
I put some photos over here.
The problem with whether or not it was cancelled was that the club had double booked the place. So between each punk band they had the "noise night" thing happening.
What in the fuck is that all about??? Screeching white noise with half a drum beat in the background at 250 decibels. (??!!??) I realize that I listen to some of the crappiest music ever devised by the human race. I'm comfortable with that fact. I actually revel in it. But this shit? What the fuck??!!??
We left Miami after the show and went to downtown Ft Lauderdale afterwards. That was pretty fun. Met up with a bunch of friends and hung out until about 3:00 am. We all crashed over at my friends' Breeta and Angelo's place. Pretty comfy too.
Breeta is probably one of my oldest friends. I've known her since probably 84 or so. Her and Angelo have been together since about 86 or so!! They've never married, never had kids, and didn't even move in together until after their 10 year together. Talk about a glacial fucking relationship! Those two are the happiest coupe I have ever seen. They rock!
*******'s the question of the day. My buddy John has no qualms whatsoever taking a poop at any given highway rest area or shady dive restaurant. My eyes will turn brown before my naked ass is sitting on a toilet like that.
What are your thoughts? Skeevy, nasty, rest area comode - you dumping or holding??
ok ok ok...maybe not *THE* best but pretty high up the list. After four hours on the road and a total of about 10 since yesterday afternoon and no shower since yesterday morning...that was goooooood!!
So we made it down to Miami after all for the show. That was awesome!!
I put some photos over here.
The problem with whether or not it was cancelled was that the club had double booked the place. So between each punk band they had the "noise night" thing happening.
What in the fuck is that all about??? Screeching white noise with half a drum beat in the background at 250 decibels. (??!!??) I realize that I listen to some of the crappiest music ever devised by the human race. I'm comfortable with that fact. I actually revel in it. But this shit? What the fuck??!!??
We left Miami after the show and went to downtown Ft Lauderdale afterwards. That was pretty fun. Met up with a bunch of friends and hung out until about 3:00 am. We all crashed over at my friends' Breeta and Angelo's place. Pretty comfy too.
Breeta is probably one of my oldest friends. I've known her since probably 84 or so. Her and Angelo have been together since about 86 or so!! They've never married, never had kids, and didn't even move in together until after their 10 year together. Talk about a glacial fucking relationship! Those two are the happiest coupe I have ever seen. They rock!
*******'s the question of the day. My buddy John has no qualms whatsoever taking a poop at any given highway rest area or shady dive restaurant. My eyes will turn brown before my naked ass is sitting on a toilet like that.
What are your thoughts? Skeevy, nasty, rest area comode - you dumping or holding??
what??!! are you dying?
I need more info, pronto. (put down the cancer stick.)