a mix of loneliness, boredom, and a modicum of narcissism to boost a bruised ego.
the bangs of fireworks, humidity, and warm air, with a cool breeze, has made me unbearably horny tonight. i'm lusting after what i can't have. someone. anyone. who will understand. and want me. lust after me like I lust after them. who will sweat and ache with me.
i've decided to stay in cambridge for another year. here's to it. [downs a swig of jack]

the bangs of fireworks, humidity, and warm air, with a cool breeze, has made me unbearably horny tonight. i'm lusting after what i can't have. someone. anyone. who will understand. and want me. lust after me like I lust after them. who will sweat and ache with me.
i've decided to stay in cambridge for another year. here's to it. [downs a swig of jack]
but you're so cute! why wouldn't *everyone* want you?
i'll come to cambridge and snuggle with you for a bit!