My health isn't the greatest. I am insulin resistant, have gout, kidney problems, and heart and lung failure.
I am preparing for a gastric bypass that will probably take place in September. This Thursday I go to the cardiologist for testing to make sure My heart can handle the surgery. After that, on the 23rd I go to the pulmonologist to have My lungs checked out. Then I will have an upper endoscopy to check My stomach for ulcers. If all three things pass, then I will be scheduled for surgery. This whole thing scares Me badly. I don't want to die from surgery or complications, but I know if I don't have the surgery, I may die from health problems. It will be a slow painful death. So far in My life I have had a DVT, pulmonary embolism, G.I. bleed, have been hospitalized because I wasn't breathing well and was told that I have sleep apnea and cor pulmonale. I was hospitalized about 3 weeks ago for pneumonia and a possible second pulmonary embolism.
I weigh over the limit of the table that they would use to confirm the P.E. so they were not willing to do the test to confirm I have it, they just treated me for pneumonia and a PE. 8 horrible boring days in the hospital 7 and a hlalf of those were in ICU. I was lectured about My weight alot , like I don't know that i am overweight and in poor health. I think there is nothing wrong with being overweight if You can manage Your life and are in good health. But I cannot do the things i would like to or need to so this must change. One way or the other I have to lose the weight. Losing weight also has the benefits of maybe allowing Me to find a girlfriend, I have been alone and feeling lonely since My divorce 7 years ago. I also have the problem of being shy around women , especially the ones that I am attracted to. My wife was one of the first women that showed Me attention and that made me feel good. She was totally different than I am and that was a major problem. We shared little in common. She was also very selfish and controlling. She was never happy unless she had what she wanted. I would go to work and She would be out spending My paycheck, My marriage is a subjuct for a different entry as I still have alot of issues that need to be dealt with concerning My marriage. I haven't heard from her in 3 years except for one email she sent to me to ask how i was and that was it, Its nice not having her around but part of Me still misses her. I am done for today.
I am preparing for a gastric bypass that will probably take place in September. This Thursday I go to the cardiologist for testing to make sure My heart can handle the surgery. After that, on the 23rd I go to the pulmonologist to have My lungs checked out. Then I will have an upper endoscopy to check My stomach for ulcers. If all three things pass, then I will be scheduled for surgery. This whole thing scares Me badly. I don't want to die from surgery or complications, but I know if I don't have the surgery, I may die from health problems. It will be a slow painful death. So far in My life I have had a DVT, pulmonary embolism, G.I. bleed, have been hospitalized because I wasn't breathing well and was told that I have sleep apnea and cor pulmonale. I was hospitalized about 3 weeks ago for pneumonia and a possible second pulmonary embolism.
I weigh over the limit of the table that they would use to confirm the P.E. so they were not willing to do the test to confirm I have it, they just treated me for pneumonia and a PE. 8 horrible boring days in the hospital 7 and a hlalf of those were in ICU. I was lectured about My weight alot , like I don't know that i am overweight and in poor health. I think there is nothing wrong with being overweight if You can manage Your life and are in good health. But I cannot do the things i would like to or need to so this must change. One way or the other I have to lose the weight. Losing weight also has the benefits of maybe allowing Me to find a girlfriend, I have been alone and feeling lonely since My divorce 7 years ago. I also have the problem of being shy around women , especially the ones that I am attracted to. My wife was one of the first women that showed Me attention and that made me feel good. She was totally different than I am and that was a major problem. We shared little in common. She was also very selfish and controlling. She was never happy unless she had what she wanted. I would go to work and She would be out spending My paycheck, My marriage is a subjuct for a different entry as I still have alot of issues that need to be dealt with concerning My marriage. I haven't heard from her in 3 years except for one email she sent to me to ask how i was and that was it, Its nice not having her around but part of Me still misses her. I am done for today.