So we have new internet friends, subrosa, thefreak, reversehalo, and pandamonium, thus bringing the total number of internet friends to 15, which is appox. 14 more than my number of real-life friends. Scientists have studied the phenomenon and concluded that unlike my RL friends (ok friend), you luckless few are only subjected to a small fraction of my overwhelming personality, hence why you are able to withstand my socio-psychological presence or "thingness" in your "lives". That, plus you can't smell my breath, you lucky lucky bastards.
So I woke up this morning, screamed real loud at seeing myself still alive, and immediately started out on my daily routine, which was to "search" for my car keys, not find them anywhere, especially not in the pantry, which did have a whole box of "Nutter Butters"(tm) , which are, in my humble opinion, a legal version of crack.
Seeing how I couldn't go to the gym because I didn't have my car keys, I instead went back to bed, with the aforementioned "Nutter Butters", a trashy sci-fi novel, and a glass of milk.
And people wonder why I don't have a girlfriend.
Ok, no they don't.
At any rate, this ol' bastard is not having the best week of his life, no he's not. Feelings of self-doubt, and inadequacy and a general over-all sheen of "ugh-ness" have left me with a high level of what I like to call, Loserocity. This results in me looking like this:
I think we can all agree that this isn't a pretty sight. What we are aiming for is me looking like this:
This is my general look I have on my face: earnest, happy-go-lucky and dare I say; Plucky. What would be really nice is this look:
This is my patented, "Wanna-get-teh-shexy-on" look (tm), the 2005 model. Note the subtle darkening of the eye colour, so they are the colour of a stormy, wind-swept sea, the gentle raising of the aristicratic eyebrow, alluding to my royal blood-line, and the ever so gentle pout, showing off my kissable lips. Dynamite! Simply dynamite! What women could resist? And when my come-hither look has prevailed, and we are alone in the boudoir you get treated to my game face:
At any rate, it's been really slow at work for the past couple of days, getting only a couple of runs per day. Nothing to be worried about, we have slow weeks like any other business, it just comes at an unfortunate time. I kinda wanted a lot of work so I could tkae my mind off other matters, for example, my imoending rejection from MCPHS. I don't know why I let myself get talked into applying. I am the longest of long-shots. You'd have a better chance of seeing Tom DeLay at a gay-pride parade than seeing me in a white lab coat. Plus even if I do get in, what will I do for work? I have to take summer classes to make up pre-requisites and then it's three years of schooling on top of that. It might seem weird to y'all but I need to work I am completely self-supporting. I've been going over my ""finances" (i.e. the money in my safe), and I'm trying to think of how much I'll be making while I'm in school, while also trying not to think of how much money I'll be losing. For once, not having an active social life is working in my favour.since I tend not to spend tons of cash each week, I've saved quite a bit. But still.
Ok that's enough whining. I'll get outta your collective hair (or in the case of thefreak, scalp) and move on into the day. I think I'll watch "Volcano High". I mean why not?
Also, I just realized that I have two SG's on my friends but who arent on my fave SG's list. Now the reason for that is this: I met you two lovely ladies via journal entires and was charmed by either your A) hyper-sweetness (Josie) or B) your nasty funny cruel drug-hazed sociopathy (Xip), and not anything to do with the humping of the imaginary booties, which is why those ladies are in the fave SG's spot and you ladies arent. Not that either of you cared a whit but whatever. PAX TIB
PS I am also thinking of changing my username to smething cool, or possibly, kewl. Any thoughts? Whoever wins gets a prize of some sort, most likely just the knowledge that they won.
So I woke up this morning, screamed real loud at seeing myself still alive, and immediately started out on my daily routine, which was to "search" for my car keys, not find them anywhere, especially not in the pantry, which did have a whole box of "Nutter Butters"(tm) , which are, in my humble opinion, a legal version of crack.
Seeing how I couldn't go to the gym because I didn't have my car keys, I instead went back to bed, with the aforementioned "Nutter Butters", a trashy sci-fi novel, and a glass of milk.
And people wonder why I don't have a girlfriend.
Ok, no they don't.
At any rate, this ol' bastard is not having the best week of his life, no he's not. Feelings of self-doubt, and inadequacy and a general over-all sheen of "ugh-ness" have left me with a high level of what I like to call, Loserocity. This results in me looking like this:

I think we can all agree that this isn't a pretty sight. What we are aiming for is me looking like this:

This is my general look I have on my face: earnest, happy-go-lucky and dare I say; Plucky. What would be really nice is this look:

This is my patented, "Wanna-get-teh-shexy-on" look (tm), the 2005 model. Note the subtle darkening of the eye colour, so they are the colour of a stormy, wind-swept sea, the gentle raising of the aristicratic eyebrow, alluding to my royal blood-line, and the ever so gentle pout, showing off my kissable lips. Dynamite! Simply dynamite! What women could resist? And when my come-hither look has prevailed, and we are alone in the boudoir you get treated to my game face:

At any rate, it's been really slow at work for the past couple of days, getting only a couple of runs per day. Nothing to be worried about, we have slow weeks like any other business, it just comes at an unfortunate time. I kinda wanted a lot of work so I could tkae my mind off other matters, for example, my imoending rejection from MCPHS. I don't know why I let myself get talked into applying. I am the longest of long-shots. You'd have a better chance of seeing Tom DeLay at a gay-pride parade than seeing me in a white lab coat. Plus even if I do get in, what will I do for work? I have to take summer classes to make up pre-requisites and then it's three years of schooling on top of that. It might seem weird to y'all but I need to work I am completely self-supporting. I've been going over my ""finances" (i.e. the money in my safe), and I'm trying to think of how much I'll be making while I'm in school, while also trying not to think of how much money I'll be losing. For once, not having an active social life is working in my favour.since I tend not to spend tons of cash each week, I've saved quite a bit. But still.
Ok that's enough whining. I'll get outta your collective hair (or in the case of thefreak, scalp) and move on into the day. I think I'll watch "Volcano High". I mean why not?
Also, I just realized that I have two SG's on my friends but who arent on my fave SG's list. Now the reason for that is this: I met you two lovely ladies via journal entires and was charmed by either your A) hyper-sweetness (Josie) or B) your nasty funny cruel drug-hazed sociopathy (Xip), and not anything to do with the humping of the imaginary booties, which is why those ladies are in the fave SG's spot and you ladies arent. Not that either of you cared a whit but whatever. PAX TIB
PS I am also thinking of changing my username to smething cool, or possibly, kewl. Any thoughts? Whoever wins gets a prize of some sort, most likely just the knowledge that they won.

In response to you feeling unorganized and unaccomplished, I've found it always helps me to make a list of things I'd like to get done, I'm much more likely to get them done when I have them set out before me all nice and neat and comprehendably
Yeah it's pretty gay.