Hee hee hee hee
May I introduce, the new hotness.
The top number is the number of miles driven thus far.
Drving back from the dealership was the best feeling ever, just sort a giddy all over. For years I had a crappy k-car, just because I really didnt need anything else. Why bother getting a new car? I had a perfectly reliable one right here, patting my old car affectionately, whilst a cloud of rusty dust emanated from its crusty hide.
Now as I make the turn onto 53 at 60+ MPH, dropping it into thrid and hitting 80 when I hit the Quincy line I see the light. Lord above I SEE THE LIGHT!!!

May I introduce, the new hotness.

The top number is the number of miles driven thus far.
Drving back from the dealership was the best feeling ever, just sort a giddy all over. For years I had a crappy k-car, just because I really didnt need anything else. Why bother getting a new car? I had a perfectly reliable one right here, patting my old car affectionately, whilst a cloud of rusty dust emanated from its crusty hide.
Now as I make the turn onto 53 at 60+ MPH, dropping it into thrid and hitting 80 when I hit the Quincy line I see the light. Lord above I SEE THE LIGHT!!!

Certainly would have been nice to win the season opener, but...they outpitched us, pure and simple. We would have had a much better shot with Schilling on the mound, but I'm willing to endure it as long as he gets healthy for the rest of the season.