So. I have no idea what to say. I've been up since 500am tTuesday and I still havent slept yet. I'll just hack it out today and then sleep in tomorrow. I can still make the gym in time as well. Teri still hasn't called so I guess it is over for real. I was so completely wasted this morning I wasn't really sure how mad she was, I just walked out under her baleful glare. She seemed to think I was upset about ending our open relationship but actually I was worried because it was 530AM and I was still tripping and havent slept and I had to be at work by noon. She still has all those pictures from last night as well, I only have three or so, and that I had to sneak from the other site. Not that she would pull any crap with them plus you cant even tell it's me so whatev.. Sigh. I am beat. Back to work I go.
This was my firt ever entry? Was I loaded?