My physiology/pathophysiology professor, Dr. Ally. I'm not sure if I can really call him a doctor since he declared that the human heart begins to beat at about 2 weeks. Why would that annoy me? BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING ORGANS AT TWO WEEKS!!!!! You're still a bunch of cells and shit at two weeks and this guy's all like" Well the doctor can check for a heartbeat after the second week". Ho. Lee. Shit. This guy is teaching in a pharmacy school in fucking Massachusetts for fuck's sake. We got homos getting married all up in this bitch and he's spouting off this pro-life crap. In the interest of being fair, I did a little research. Here's when WebMD says the human heart starts to beat:
6 Weeks
The embryo looks like a tadpole. It's the size of a BB pellet from crown to rump (crown-to-rump length is used because the baby's legs are usually not well developed yet and are bent and hard to measure). Ultrasoundusually detects a heartbeat by now. Between 17 and 56 days the embryo is most susceptible to drugs, disease, and other factors that interfere with normal growth.
And this is what the
Babycenter said:
Your Pregnancy: 5 Weeks
How your baby's growing: Deep in your uterus your embryo is growing at a furious pace. At this point he's about the size of a sesame seed, and he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. He's now made up of three layers _ the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm _ that will later form his organs and tissues. The cells are forming for his major organs, including his kidneys and liver, and his neural tube is beginning to develop. This neural tube _ from which your baby's brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone will sprout _ develops in the top layer, called the ectoderm. This layer will also give rise to his skin, hair, nails, mammary and sweat glands, and tooth enamel. His heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, or mesoderm. (This week, in fact, his tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.) The mesoderm will also form your baby's muscles, cartilage, bone, and subcutaneous (under skin) tissue. The third layer, or endoderm, will house his lungs, intestines, and rudimentary urinary system, as well as his thyroid, liver, and pancreas. In the meantime, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which deliver nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already on the job.
Ok so around the five week mark, ok? Here's what the pro-life people think:
NC Right to Life
Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.
That's it. No science, nothing about cells and tissue layers. Just 22 days, which for those of you who can't divide by seven is about three weeks. Which is also way too early for women to find out wether or not they are pregnant.
Here's another whack-job:
22 days- Heart begins to beat
Again, that's all they give you. Wrong information.
I really dont care if you are pro or antiabortion. If you feel a burning need to get your nose all up in somebody else's business, by all means, go right ahead. But don't twist the truth around to justify your asshole behavior, and certainly don't teach a science course at MY school. Motherfucker.