My friends on SG are the coolest! Thanks to all who read and comment...the internet is a beautiful thing!!!
LAKERS!!!!!!!! Bring on the fucking pistons...where is my dustpan? cuzz this is gonna be a sweep!!
Has anyone heard the new Loretta Lynn cd? Man I hate country, but this is one awesome cd...pick it up! Jack White produced and played on it, and its just very tasty.
(by the way, this is random thought day, so bare with me)
I rode to the beach today on my lunch f-ing beautiful...I love so cal!!! If anyone wants to visit and check it out.....hit me up!
Do you ever just sit back and think "my life is pretty cool?" Today is one of those days.....I am seriously content....sure I could have more money, or hair...but I am totally cool with my life!
Ok, questions of the day....
1)Last book you read?
2)Best book you have read?
3)recomend a book to me....(I need a new read)(and not The Da Vinci Code)
Thanks and peace to all! BP
LAKERS!!!!!!!! Bring on the fucking pistons...where is my dustpan? cuzz this is gonna be a sweep!!
Has anyone heard the new Loretta Lynn cd? Man I hate country, but this is one awesome cd...pick it up! Jack White produced and played on it, and its just very tasty.
(by the way, this is random thought day, so bare with me)
I rode to the beach today on my lunch f-ing beautiful...I love so cal!!! If anyone wants to visit and check it out.....hit me up!
Do you ever just sit back and think "my life is pretty cool?" Today is one of those days.....I am seriously content....sure I could have more money, or hair...but I am totally cool with my life!
Ok, questions of the day....
1)Last book you read?
2)Best book you have read?
3)recomend a book to me....(I need a new read)(and not The Da Vinci Code)
Thanks and peace to all! BP
Sorry, I'm not in a very 'book' kind of place. It's finally nice weather here so I'm trying to stay active. But in the fall I will probably have some good recommendations.

Damn...those questions really make me wish that I could read....