So good to be home! Nashville is cool and all, but not the best trip...First off I lost my phone the first I was unable to get ahold of anyone local I planned to hang apologies. After I got over not having it, I kind of enjoyed not being available....
Basically worked my event....worked out alot....watched way too much TV...bought some new music, and relaxed.....I needed that for sure, but now its back to the grind and I am slammed with catch up work...oh well.
I got a cool postcard from Surfbetty from her san fran trip...this is one cool chick...too bad she is married and lives in Florida....again..oh well.
I finished the Da Vinci code...if you were thinking about reading it.....don't waste your time...totally cheesy! I did however read The Five People You Meet In Heaven...and its excellent!!!
I have practise tonight and I will get back in the water tomorrow morning...even though conditions are horrible...
I hope everyone is good out there....looking forward to catching up with all my SG friends....Peace BP
Basically worked my event....worked out alot....watched way too much TV...bought some new music, and relaxed.....I needed that for sure, but now its back to the grind and I am slammed with catch up work...oh well.
I got a cool postcard from Surfbetty from her san fran trip...this is one cool chick...too bad she is married and lives in Florida....again..oh well.
I finished the Da Vinci code...if you were thinking about reading it.....don't waste your time...totally cheesy! I did however read The Five People You Meet In Heaven...and its excellent!!!
I have practise tonight and I will get back in the water tomorrow morning...even though conditions are horrible...
I hope everyone is good out there....looking forward to catching up with all my SG friends....Peace BP
Welcome home. Sorry that your trip didn't go quite as expected. I hope to make a trip out there toward the end of the summer. I know hottest time of the year...

ha!! you mean you could read my handwriting ....It has been compared to that of a 4 yr old..
But I am glad you got it...I have been a total slack when it comes to SG lately...but I am trying....Have a great day, hope ya get some fun surf...