Went to the gay-pride yesterday and today...Amsterdam suddenly changed into a chaotic, very very male dominated 48h party...
My boyfriend had something going on in Studio 80, a club in Amsterdam and my little gay brother came along...never knew that i could be so protective
he got picked up by a man that had 'i'm not good for innocent irish boys' written all over him. So a watched them like a hawk, without being a burden to my little brother, he has grow up sometimes.
but at one point it went to far and i got very angry with the guy...ha, that will teach him...
my brother was ok for the rest, but it's still so strange to see him growing up.
then i got drunk on too much vodka, danced till 5.30 in the morning and spend the day today in a boat, going down the canals.
not too bad
My boyfriend had something going on in Studio 80, a club in Amsterdam and my little gay brother came along...never knew that i could be so protective
he got picked up by a man that had 'i'm not good for innocent irish boys' written all over him. So a watched them like a hawk, without being a burden to my little brother, he has grow up sometimes.
but at one point it went to far and i got very angry with the guy...ha, that will teach him...
my brother was ok for the rest, but it's still so strange to see him growing up.
then i got drunk on too much vodka, danced till 5.30 in the morning and spend the day today in a boat, going down the canals.
not too bad
Ik was even vergeten wanneer impakt was, bedankt voor de reminder!
er wordt ook een filmpje van mij op impakt vertoond
Ik ga er zeker heen en bedankt voor de tip!
de installatie ziet er zo uit:installatie
het filmpje was genomineerd voor de tent academy award en gaat ermee op reis naar festivals in binnen en buitenland.
zo ook het impakt festival dus, heb ik gehoord. maar waar en wanneer het getoond wordt weet ik niet...
wat houdt de couch.club eigenlijk precies in?