If you're bored at the end of august and by accident are spending some time in the Netherlands, check out the Impakt Festival in Utrecht... New Media Festival with a lot of art, great music and audio-picknicks.
and especially the couch.clubs about DIY porn...they will be VERY interesting
see you!
and especially the couch.clubs about DIY porn...they will be VERY interesting
see you!
Is de toegang van de couch.clubs gratis eigenlijk? Kon er niks over terug vinden op de site.
Leuk dat je genoten hebt van Praag, ondanks de hitte. Ik wil ook weer!
Not much time now, but....let's see if we can somehow meet at the festival.
Let's get bored together!
Talk to you soon, and let me know about your little trip, love to hear more....
Gotta run,