If you're bored at the end of august and by accident are spending some time in the Netherlands, check out the Impakt Festival in Utrecht... New Media Festival with a lot of art, great music and audio-picknicks.

and especially the couch.clubs about DIY porn...they will be VERY interesting wink

see you!

Didn't happen due to miscommunication... frown Long story, won't bother you with the details. smile

Is de toegang van de couch.clubs gratis eigenlijk? Kon er niks over terug vinden op de site.

Leuk dat je genoten hebt van Praag, ondanks de hitte. Ik wil ook weer!
Hey there cutie, you're back!

Not much time now, but....let's see if we can somehow meet at the festival.
Let's get bored together!
wink biggrin blush

Talk to you soon, and let me know about your little trip, love to hear more....
Gotta run,

r* kiss
I'm off to Prague today!

On my own, which i find quite exiting to be honest.

First i take the train to Berlin, stay there for a night and then leave tomorrow morning very early to Prague.

I will be back in a week!

Ze hebben ook een site: http://www.inyourpocket.com/cr/prague/en/

Je moet ook zeker naar het Letn park gaan, kan je echt fantastisch picknicken. Niet je eigen bier meenemen, ze verkopen er ook halve liters en die zijn maar ietsje duurder dan in de supermarkt, dus zonde om te gaan sjouwen.

En aangezien je van whiskey houdt: restaurant Dynamo (Pstrossova 29) heeft een uitstekende single malt kaart. Een glaasje kost je wel evenveel als je hoofdgerecht, maar aangezien de hoofdgerechten bijna niks kosten, kan dat best. biggrin
I want to go to Prague too, damn, its the second time I write this today!
took my brother to his first gay party this weekend smile
he had the time of his life, which is not strange when you know he lives up on a hill in Ireland most of the time!

how sweet is it to go out for the first time... do you remember?

Oh wow
ik ben nog nooit naar een gay party geweest
Ja leuk dan kom ik volgende keer wel naar cruise control in de ACU, hihih
de hele avond flirten met jongens biggrin
Jammer dan dat ik niet gay ben, maar als je zegt dat het leuke feesten zijn kom ik zeker
de homo's die ik ken zijn iig supergezellig! ARRR!!!
It's too darn hot

bugs bit my feet while watching the football last night, itchy!
ook jouw eerste, wat grappig!
Ik hoorde van iemand dat er dit x meer mensen leuk aangekleed waren dan de twee x ervoor. Ik hoop dat het steeds leuker blijft worden.

Ik zou ook liever iets als torture garden zien, waar je volgens mij veel mensen tegenkomt die moeite doen voor een aparte outfit.
Ik ga daar ook zeker eens naar toe!
Ja dat ken ik, ik heb er een flyer van op mn koelkast, haha smile
maar ben toen niet meer gegaan vanwege een of andere reden.
Lijkt me ook wel een stijlvol feestje, laatst hadden ze wel een thema.
maar dan moet het publiek daar wel moeite voor doen...
this weekend i discovered a whole new musical genre

russian improvisation jazz...

itt started out as your cliche impro jazz with grey intellectual men in their forties, wearing sloppy clothes, looking very serious... and i started to regret my impulsive action, but once i got into the 'groove' (oh no, am i really using this word?! biggrin) it became this kind of abstract music that...
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I'm not into choreographers, so I don't know that guy, but love to go to the ballet. I'm trying to get Sam to come with me some time..... Wish me luck, hahaha! wink How are you doing? How are things with your study going?

hi ho bassgirl!
Sounds like an intense but fun weekend. And I guess I agree with you, in that I do like high brow culture and intellectual conversations, but really it's quite nice to tune out and switch off for a while. That's why I'm watching the football recently! (No I don't especially like football usually, but it's easy -watching...)

Things are picking up for me, thanks bassgirl- my holiday was more stressful than I thought as my wife had to fly back to the UK to be hospitalised leaving me with the girls. I had a quiet and calm time with my favourite little people, but since she's been ill I'm having do more 'stuff'!

you working yet?

I have to admit, i'm just too much of a city girl.. tongue

this week i went camping for one night and got attacked by a zillion of nasty little bugs...so my body is scattered with little red bumb that itch like hell... argh!
and is was so cold, but maybe that was also because i decided to wear stockings instead of bringing warm pants for...
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I feel you on the city girl thing.

Hey- have you gone to the nyc yet?

Im going soon!
Ik ben brak van gisteren, dus ga lekker bankhangen. Vlgd maand ben ik er wel, optreden van Avenue D! *zingt* Do I look like a slut? Uh-huh! biggrin
thank you for your birthdaywishes!

it extended my birthdayfeeling even more smile

especially with the sun shining and eating my last piece of birthdaydessert!
I just remembered.....didn't you want to become a SG? Did you have a shoot with Cherry recently, like some other Dutch girls? I rember you liked me to shoot a set from you, but we both got busy so it never happened. If you'd still like to do it, now would be the perfect time for an outdoor shoot and I do have time for it! wink
happy birthdaysmile do enjoy your dessert, and the sunwink
yihaa! it's my birthday!!

happy birthday!! kiss kiss
happy birthday! wink
Gefeliciteerd! kiss
Warning: Cover your ears NOW!

*neemt een grote hap lucht*
Eeeerrrrrr is er een jarig HOERA, HOERA, dat kun je wel zien dat is zzzziijjjjjj....!!! biggrin

Gefeliciteerd! kiss

Hey, ik zie nu pas dat je de dame van Goldfrapp voor je verjaardag wilt.....

Meer kan ik niet voor je doen wink

Ga je naar het concert? Ik wil er ook heen! Afspreken?

[Edited on May 08, 2006 10:40AM]


end of may live!

i want her as my birthdaypresent
New York, New York!

I'm planning on going there this spring smile

any recommendations?
ok was worth a try! whatever

have a great time anyway!!!
hippy hugs x
*extreemly jealous*

I still have three more months before my annual trip to the NYC. bummer.

Will this be your first time?
If so, there are a few things that you must do on your first trip:
1-Dont sleep
2-Eat as many different tyopes of pizza as you can fit in your tummy
3-wherever you go, make sure you drink and somke. . . think of it as an american version of Paris.

Now, once in the NYC, there are a few things that you must see when in Manhattan- preferably known as 'the city'
-hit Central Park. The midtown section is where you will find all the fun. The famous bridge that is featured in endless romantic-comedies is there. If your up for a small walk through, head towards the Upper West Side, and you will be in Strawberry Fields. Hopefully you are a Lennon fan and you know what Im talking about.
-heading out of the park, you can take pictures of the Dakota. Maybe you will bump into the talentless Yoko, or her son Sean. I hear that Jared leto is also out there shooting his upcoming movie about Mark David Chapman.
-You can catch the B train a few blocks up and check out the Museum of Natural History (actually- I dont remember what that museum is- sorry!) Im sure the Museum of Sex is around there too.
-head out back to downtown (I think that you can catch the B train back, but C and D go there too) Head out to the famous 42nd st. and Bradway. take the diversity in and use this opportunity to buy your souveniers.
-Go see a play. I cannot stress this enough. NYC is full of culture the rest of the US does not get.
-head out to the Lower East Side and party.
-drugs could be good to have, but I would not trust any stranger- try not to do any unless you know a connection that comes from a reliable source.
-If you are into history, take 5-7 hours to check out Lady Liberty, then since your there and you will probably have to wait to get back to the island, head out to Ellis Island and check out all the fun stuff that they have. My history teacher tells me its amazing to be there...
-Check out ground zero on your way back into the city. its intense.
-Go to the Lower West Side. Do stuff. They have this lovely little vintage store about a block from washington square park. There is also this fabulous vegetarian restaurant (well, they have some chicken dishes- but you get the idea) off of 4th st. I know half the staff! If you like good drum and bass, hooka bars, or any type of electronica/trance/progressive trance you can find some stuff then or eight blocks away. The cabbie will probably charge $6 tops.
-climb up to the 88th floor of the empire state building. Its best at dusk- the colors you see are unreal at that time. there will always be a line, so make sure that you make at least 2-3 hour window, and take the free way, unless you want to pay 10- you get a ride, very Disney's star tours.
-Make sure you walk around 5th Ave and strut your stuff.
-Have dinner at exotic food restaurants. Drink wine, smoke cigarettes, and curse Bush.

I think I might have gotten a wee bit carried away... I just miss the NYC so much that I wish I was there now.


Take care and if you have anymore questions or if you want to know what shows are going to be happening this guy will know about it. Make sure that you enjoy the city as much as you can and have loads and loads of fun!


[Edited on Mar 08, 2006 10:08PM]