- on quinnsparks's photo
- on reggielove's photo
- on annie_x's photo
- on beckyie's photo
- on sapphireragesuicide's photo
- on annie_x's photo
Photo's taken and edited by a very good friend showing me playing some bass and feeling right at home
These are my 2 custom made basses. On the left my 5 string which I built on a guitar making course. On the right A guitar designed by my father and built buy a friend. Both sound as unique as they look
Last night saw my band, Long Day Living, play the birthday party of a close friend. who was also determined to raise funds for a local mental health charity.
There were a few of us there last night who have been visited by mental health issues, myself included, but the night was both a celebration of her birthday and also the massive power of music...
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Give the beautiful @redberry some love for this stunning set https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/redberry/album/4314879/lemon/
Here is the latest set from the stunning @helenarae. Show it some live folks.
The Bassman
Hey folks please show some love for the utterly gorgeous @helenarae some love and likes on her sets. She really is beautiful xxxxxx
Hey guys and gals. Please show some love for @doloresbelle and debut shoot in MR. Hit the link
Hi Guys and Gals
I have been in desperate need of time to clear my head. So I have escaped to the Isle of Arran for a weekend of Walking, Meditation & Malt Whiskey
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Shots taken over the west coast of scotland on an unforgetable day