I'm slowly creeping my way towards moving into my apartment. I got some serious motivation the other day and stayed up very late to finish painting the kitchen. There's only one little section that frames a window between some cabinets that isn't done yet because part of it needs to be sanded and fixed up before I paint over it. And then I got another...
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5 of us in SGSeattle went. You could've met up with any of us any of the days.

Things are settling down for me finally. I have my work situation figured out. I'll be juggling 2 families (1 for 30hrs, the other for 10) but I like both of them and feel like I'll be happy working for them. I just met up with my newly chosen flatmate to talk and figure things out. I'm really glad I picked her because we're very...
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I admit I voted for him. The first time. But what is way more scary is even more people voted for him the second time. WTF?

And yes, I am deeply ashamed and embarrassed.

In my defense, I was actually a McCain supporter at the time. So I ended up just kinda jumping on the band-wagon.

Not this time.
The real question is, what does it say about the 52% who voted for him the second time?
I've never really seen my dad hurt before. I found out last night that my dad fell off a ladder yesterday. He broke his ankle, hit his head, broke or cracked some ribs, and fractured a thoracic vertebrae... fortunately no spinal cord damage. Since I can remember, my dad has been very active... daily bike rides or jogs, hiking big mountains in other countries or...
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you simply tell him you love him and hope he starts feeling better. oh yeah give him a huge hug.
I took a guy friend to a work BBQ at my boss's house tonight. I told him to behave because he has a tendency to be blunt and not censor himself.

He called my boss's mom a whore, bitch, and said he hated her (boss's mom was not present).

My boss loved him tongue

We left before my boss's mom brought her kids back home.

Yeah, she was nuts man. Not cool.

I don't know how you didn't get completely sick of that either!! wink It's ok, my all time guilty pleasure is Sexy Love, by Ne-Yo. At first I hated it; my old friend and girlfriend played it on repeat about 30 times in a row one drunken night which drove me totally insane. Now I have a soft spot for it. Le sigh..
Sometimes I wonder why I'm still on this site. I've been on here for just over 4 years and have seen so many people come an go and I ask myself why I haven't left yet. I don't do a whole lot on here... I don't really look at sets, I blog only occasionally, I check a couple groups and read a few peoples' journals,...
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yeah, that's happened to me before. see you .... kiss
I've barely stopped moving since April.
I went to Europe and in 12 weeks I flew on 7 airplanes, rode on dozens of trains and buses, explored 13 countries and roughly 46 towns/cities, came home, had 9 full days home before setting out on a cross-country road trip with my sister and 2 kids (ages 4 1/2 and 1), passed through 12 states in 8...
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I've decided to go vegan.

I gave up most meat except for chicken and the occasional turkey back in early March. I stuck to it in Europe where they eat a lot of pig and it's hard to find stuff like chicken sandwiches as an easy meal (you end up living off of sandwiches and whatever you can find at a bakery when you're traveling...
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I don't know if I'll ever go vegan entirely, although I try and live as vegan as possible. For now I will just remain a vegetarian.

Good for you! smile I went vegan back in 2004 (went vegetarian long before that but took more than a decade to go vegan).
I'm back in the states and definitely happy about it. As much as I've loved Europe, I miss being home.

I'm in Philly right now and I love how artsy it is here. There's an artist here that does murals with mirrors, glass, broken ceramics, etc... all over buildings. The whole side of a building will be covered, or an entire alley way. The outside...
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11 days left.
Not enough money left.
Mom is saving me.
Dad, "in good conscience", can't loan me any money.
Camera has completely died.
Good timing... I'm in Rome! blackeyed
i am in the UK but heading to Istanbul tomorrow. I'd help out if i could.
Seems to be several Pisces roaming Europe this summer.
See you back in Seattle.

Happy travels.