Holy fuck!
I had a really scary out-of-body experience. I was being attacked by something evil
It like didn't have a face, it was saying stuff to me that I couldn't understand. It's voice was horrible! Think Gollum's voice but even worse and scarier. I swear, it wasn't a dream. I know it was an out-of-body experience and it was real. I couldn't move, my body felt numb, it was holding my arms down. When I told it to go away and leave, it did and I woke up and my body was in the same position and my palms were sweaty. When it was happening, even the glow from my stereo was there. I have a friend who has had the same experience, that's how I know that it wasn't a dream.
It was damn scary, I cried for half an hour afterwards and am not going back to sleep (good thing I took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon lol)
I had a really scary out-of-body experience. I was being attacked by something evil

It was damn scary, I cried for half an hour afterwards and am not going back to sleep (good thing I took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon lol)

Ive had experiences of hallucinating in the past when ive been ill or deprived of sleep..
Hope youre ok.