Gonna see Harry Potter tonight. Hope it's good. I know, I'm a dork, but I like that kinda stuff *shrugs*. You all know what you like.... I know what I like. I just need to find something to do to occupy my time till I go to the theatre at 8pm. I think I'll start by having a snack.....

Well, I'm back from the movie.
We got there a little too late to get good seats (sat in the back corner, it wasn't too bad though). Parking was hell!
People were parking anywhere they could fit their car practically. I had to park my car in a store lot down the street.
But it was worth it.
The movie was really good, better than the first 2. Lots of funny bits and a lot darker than the others, which I like. If you see it, hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Well that's all that I have to say tonight.

glad you liked it.