Well, this has been a fun week for my body 
Monday I woke up after 3 hours of sleep to discover that I had a UTI. Couldn't get back to sleep. I've never had a UTI before, no clue how I got it, and turns out they're pretty damn lame. Got an appointment with my naturopath who gave me "Bladder Tea" and an herbal tincture.
Tuesday morning I woke up with only 6.5 hours of sleep because the UTI kept me up. Mild improvement, but not by much. Didn't have to work, but had a dentist appointment to get fillings and had Physical Therapy in the afternoon. My mouth, especially my lower jaw, takes a bit extra to get numb so I had to get extra shots after I stopped them mid-drill because I could feel it. My jaw is still a bit sore and I had difficulty opening my mouth to eat for the following 2 days.
Wednesday morning was rough with only 4.5 hours of sleep. Midday, my sister called asking if I'd watch the kids after work. So I ended up watching kids from 9am till 10pm, with a 30 minute drive in between. I was utterly exhausted by the end of the day and the UTI was still around.
Thursday morning was better as I got about 8-9 hours of sleep finally. Almost helped out a pregnant mom of a 2 year old that I work for on occasion in the afternoon but on my way there, she called to say that the kid had fallen asleep and wasn't sure how long so she may or may not need me. I opted out of that job in order to make another visit to the doctor as I had been feeling some occasion warmth and slight twinges in my sides. Doc gave me some high potency cranberry and probiotic drink mix packets and a prescription for antibiotics in case it gets worse.
Friday morning I woke up with a stiff left abdomen. As I started to get ready for the day, I gave myself the back-thump test... yep, tender kidney. The feeling was a cross between feeling massively constipated in that area and feeling like your ribs are stabbing you in the kidney. Filled my prescription first thing in the morning on my way to work. Boy-child's grandma offered to watch him and his mom insisted so that I could have an easier day with just the girl-child. I spent much of the afternoon letting her have too much screen time (computer games and TV) while I sat on the couch, not wanting to move much, with my laptop on my lap. Moving was not much fun, nor was breathing in deeply. I said my fair share of "Oomph"s, grunts, and groans whenever I had to move. Fortunately, it wasn't full blown... no fever (maybe low grade, hard to say), chills, or nausea, just a lot of discomfort. By late afternoon, the antibiotics had kicked in and moving wasn't quite as painful.
Now this morning... kidney #2 has decide to join in and say "ouch". So now I have a double kidney infection, though mild as it can be at least. This is fun

Monday I woke up after 3 hours of sleep to discover that I had a UTI. Couldn't get back to sleep. I've never had a UTI before, no clue how I got it, and turns out they're pretty damn lame. Got an appointment with my naturopath who gave me "Bladder Tea" and an herbal tincture.
Tuesday morning I woke up with only 6.5 hours of sleep because the UTI kept me up. Mild improvement, but not by much. Didn't have to work, but had a dentist appointment to get fillings and had Physical Therapy in the afternoon. My mouth, especially my lower jaw, takes a bit extra to get numb so I had to get extra shots after I stopped them mid-drill because I could feel it. My jaw is still a bit sore and I had difficulty opening my mouth to eat for the following 2 days.
Wednesday morning was rough with only 4.5 hours of sleep. Midday, my sister called asking if I'd watch the kids after work. So I ended up watching kids from 9am till 10pm, with a 30 minute drive in between. I was utterly exhausted by the end of the day and the UTI was still around.
Thursday morning was better as I got about 8-9 hours of sleep finally. Almost helped out a pregnant mom of a 2 year old that I work for on occasion in the afternoon but on my way there, she called to say that the kid had fallen asleep and wasn't sure how long so she may or may not need me. I opted out of that job in order to make another visit to the doctor as I had been feeling some occasion warmth and slight twinges in my sides. Doc gave me some high potency cranberry and probiotic drink mix packets and a prescription for antibiotics in case it gets worse.
Friday morning I woke up with a stiff left abdomen. As I started to get ready for the day, I gave myself the back-thump test... yep, tender kidney. The feeling was a cross between feeling massively constipated in that area and feeling like your ribs are stabbing you in the kidney. Filled my prescription first thing in the morning on my way to work. Boy-child's grandma offered to watch him and his mom insisted so that I could have an easier day with just the girl-child. I spent much of the afternoon letting her have too much screen time (computer games and TV) while I sat on the couch, not wanting to move much, with my laptop on my lap. Moving was not much fun, nor was breathing in deeply. I said my fair share of "Oomph"s, grunts, and groans whenever I had to move. Fortunately, it wasn't full blown... no fever (maybe low grade, hard to say), chills, or nausea, just a lot of discomfort. By late afternoon, the antibiotics had kicked in and moving wasn't quite as painful.
Now this morning... kidney #2 has decide to join in and say "ouch". So now I have a double kidney infection, though mild as it can be at least. This is fun