My sister had her baby Monday morning. A boy
It's nearly settled that he'll be named Hamilton. His dad has liked the name since before big sister Hazel was born nearly 3 years ago (August 11th) but my sister's still getting used to the idea of it, she's warming up to it. She's just not so keen on the nickname that comes with the name... Hammy. That kid's gonna get stuck being called a pig until he's an adult. I wasn't so sure about it when I first heard the name the other day, but I've warmed up to it too. It fits with his sister's name in that they both start with H's and they're both old-fashioned sounding names. But I think I'll try my darndest to not call him Hammy, I don't want to add to it. Having his dad call him that all the time is enough I think (once they saw he was a boy when he came out, his dad immediately called him Hammy). I'm going to call him his full name as much as possible but I think I'll have to think of a different nickname for him for when I don't feel like calling him Hamilton and don't want to resort to Hammy either... there's an 'mil' in his name that I'm tempted to turn into Milo or I could turn the 'ton' at the end into Tony? I think the Tony would be a little less out of left field when trying to connect to to his full name. Anyways, he was 8lb 15oz, 20 1/2 inches long. My sister had a home birth with a birthing tub and went ridiculously fast. My mom called me at about 4:30am saying her water broke and to make plans for the day, cancel work, and head over to my sister's place. I thought I had time and was even tempted to go back to sleep seeing as I only had 3 hours at that point. I laid in bed for a while, showered, meandered on out, bought a few gallons of drinking water like my mom asked me to on the way. I got there at 6:30 and she was already pushing! She delivered at 6:59am, not even 3 hours of labor. Her first kid popped out after something like 7 or 8 hours. Based on my both of my sisters' histories with their 2nd deliveries, I hope I'm that lucky when I have kids! My other sister's 2nd baby came out after about 6 hours of labor and literally less than 5 minutes of pushing (also a home water-birth). I'm crossing my fingers that it runs in the family! lol
So, Milo or Tony? What do you think?

So, Milo or Tony? What do you think?
i think milo is way cuter. tony, sounds like he should be making pizza or something
Yeah popped back for a month, not really sure why, still don't feel like contributing much to the site, it's like driving by an old house you used to live in, sometimes you can't resist just passing by it to see how it looks.
Hope you're good, saw you recent pics of you being a cool aunty