So, I leave early Wednesday morning for San Diego. I still need to pack and I have to do it tonight... but I'm being lazy. I had a good day though. It started out with a date in the early afternoon and it went well. He's quite cute with these amazing clear, light blue/green eyes, dark hair, and a good smile... which all get plus points in my book. What gets even more plus points is that he's an artist and makes a living out of it (primarily sculpting and he teaches art) and from what I've seen on his website, he's really good. I have a soft spot for artist
I'm a big art lover so it's nice to relate to someone in that way. I still need to get a better feel for him, but I think I would definitely see him again. Afterward, I had to go to the school bookstore to pick up my books for class. When I walked in, I kind of bee-lined it to the art supplies shelves when I saw them and picked up a sketchbook, some pencils, an eraser, a ruler, and pencil sharpener. I had been thinking about getting back into making my own art for a few weeks now (not that I did much before) and my mom's been suggesting that I start painting. I haven't taken any art classes in 2 or 2 1/2 years so I've really been out of the loop. But after talking about art with someone who makes a career out of it, it kind of gave me the push I needed to actually do something about it. So I'm taking my sketch book and pencils with me to California and try to test the art waters again
I thought about finding people on Couchsurfing to meet up with while I'm there but I haven't done anything about it yet. I might just hang out on the beach, drawing and reading, and do a bit of wandering on my own. I think I'll check out the San Diego Museum of Art.
So here's to surviving 2 weeks with my boss at the kid!

So here's to surviving 2 weeks with my boss at the kid!
G on dates - you little devil. Sounds promising so fingers crossed. It's also good that you've had a spark to try your art again, get that creativity flowing.